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hermeneutic and transcendental phenomenology

hermeneutic and transcendental phenomenology

Hermeneutic research demands self-reflexivity, an ongoing conversation about the experience while simultaneously living in the moment, actively constructing interpretations of the experience and questioning how those interpretations came about (Hertz, 1997). By continuing to browse Husserl saw intentionality as a process where the mind is directed toward objects of study. Hermeneutical phenomenology. Extensive literature exists comparing Cartesian or positivist to constructivist or interpretivist traditions of research (Denzin & Lincoln, 2000; Gergen, 1985; Kvale, 1996; Packer & Addison, 1989; Pokinghorne, 1983). A methodology is not a correct method to follow, but a creative approach to understanding, using whatever approaches are responsive to particular questions and subject matter. He sought to show the purely immanent character of conscious experience by means of careful description. Gadamer's step beyond Heidegger's conception of phenomenon has a decisive advantage. FAQs This chapter analyzes the relationship between hermeneutic phenomenology and transcendental philosophy in Heidegger’s Being and Time. The use of intentional analysis then focuses on the concrete experience itself and describes how the particular experience is constructed. Often referred to as the father of phenomenology (Cohen, 1987; Koch, 1996; Polkinghorne, 1983; Scruton, 1995), Edmund Husserl's (1859–1938) initial work focused on mathematics, with his dissertation exploring the calculus of variations. All Rights Reserved. Polkinghorne viewed research as a human activity in which the researcher as knower is central. DOI:10.1093/acprof:oso/9780198724872.003.0014, 1 From Transcendental Realism to Transcendental Idealism, 2 On Reconciling the Transcendental Turn with Kant’s Idealism, 3 Kant, Naturalism, and the Reach of Practical Reason, 4 The ‘Synthetic-Genetic Method’ of Transcendental Philosophy. “Only when our entire culture for the first time saw itself threatened by radical doubt and critique did hermeneutics become a matter of universal significance.”. In agreement with Heidegger's view that language and understanding are inseparable structural aspects of human ‘being-in-the world,’ Gadamer stated “Language is the universal medium in which understanding occurs. You could not be signed in, please check and try again. Marcel (1971) supported the presence of a caring relationship as critical to this type of exploration: When I say that a being is granted to me as a presence …. Ontological, epistemological and methodological concerns bring out two The result of this process includes the self-interpreted constructions of the researcher and each participant, thus reflecting many constructions or multiple realities. Many still tend to think of Husserl’s transcendental phenomenology and Heidegger’s and Merleau-Ponty’s hermeneutical and existential phenomenology as excluding alternatives. The chapter argues that hermeneutic phenomenology is indeed a variety of transcendental philosophy: it aims to show that the hermeneutic conditions of understanding anything as meaningful are the ultimate transcendental conditions of any human experience whatsoever. Hence, verbatims do not necessarily capture all of what is ‘really said’ in interviews. Understanding the ontological and epistemological assumptions underpinning these approaches is essential for successfully conducting phenomenological research. This interpretive process is achieved through a hermeneutic circle which moves from the parts of experience, to the whole of experience and back and forth again and again to increase the depth of engagement with and the understanding of texts (Annells, 1996; Polkinghorne, 1983). Through this understanding, one determines what is ‘real’, yet Heidegger also believed that one's background cannot be made completely explicit. When this occurs, the insight is self-validating and if well done, others will see the text as a statement of the experience itself (Husserl, 1970). Smith (1991) described hermeneutic imagination as asking for what is at work in particular ways of speaking or acting to help facilitate an ever-deepening appreciation of the world or lived experience. Researchers keep a reflective journal that will assist them in the process of reflection and interpretation. It is less of a break from phenomenology than an extension and transformation of it. Heidegger, Gadamer, and Ricoeur are the foremost representatives of the movement of hermeneutic phenomenology. The focus is toward illuminating details and seemingly trivial aspects within experience that may be taken for granted in our lives, with a goal of creating meaning and achieving a sense of understanding (Wilson & Hutchinson, 1991). For more information view the SAGE Journals Sharing page. This distinction is important as it reflects the view that phenomenology and hermeneutic phenomenology, and our understandings of them, are not stationary, but rather dynamic and evolving, even today. Gadamer viewed interpretation as a fusion of horizons, a dialectical interaction between the expectation of the interpreter and the meaning of the text (Polkinghorne, 1983). Evidently, Heidegger became so proficient in this endeavor that Husserl thought he had found the heir he had been seeking, and he ensured Heidegger succession to his professorship. Phenomenology, in this sense, was seen as a movement away from the Cartesian dualism of reality being something ‘out there’ or completely separate from the individual (Jones, 1975; Koch, 1995). Drawing the premises for personalized learning: Illustrations of manag... Public Health Students’ Reflection regarding the First Case of Coronav... View or download all content the institution has subscribed to. Despite this emphasis, Jones (1975) reported that Husserl's interest in philosophy influenced his decision to abandon his plans to teach science and to complete his formal education in philosophy, under Franz Brentano. The focus is toward illuminating details and seemingly trivial aspects within experience that may be taken for granted in our lives, with a goal of creating meaning and achieving a sense of understanding (Wilson & Hutchinson, 1991). The e-mail addresses that you supply to use this service will not be used for any other purpose without your consent. The email address and/or password entered does not match our records, please check and try again. Husserlian phenomenology is a robust and philosophically necessary perspective when taken from its hermeneutic (late) perspective. Amongst them, descriptive and hermeneutic (interpretive) phenomenology are the two classical approaches that guide the majority of psychological research (Langdridge, 2007). He charged that these pursuits ignored the fact that psychology deals with living subjects who are not simply reacting automatically to external stimuli, but rather are responding to their own perception of what these stimuli mean. Understanding occurs through a fusion of horizons, which is a dialectic between the pre-understandings of the research process, the interpretive framework and the sources of information.“ (p. 835). From an ontological perspective, positivist frameworks view reality as something ‘out there’ to be apprehended (Denzin & Lincoln, 2000). Historically, many areas of academic research have utilized quantitative or empirical methods. Gadamer (1960/1998) critiques Husserl: In a series of many investigations he [Husserl] attempted to throw light on the one-sidedness of the scientific idealization of experience…. Smith (1991) described this as a ‘crisis of value’ at work that cannot be resolved simply by appealing to traditional forms of logic and authority. Madison (1988) supported the notion that method focuses the researcher on exact knowledge and procedure whereas methodology uses good judgement and responsible principles rather than rules to guide the research process. If you have the appropriate software installed, you can download article citation data to the citation manager of your choice. Gadamer (1960/1998) understood hermeneutics as a process of co-creation between the researcher and participant, in which the very production of meaning occurs through a circle of readings, reflective writing and interpretations. As this has occurred, concern has risen about the use of qualitative methodologies without sufficient understanding of the rigor necessary to ethically utilize them (Maggs-Rapport, 2001). Phenomenology is essentially the study of lived experience or the life world (van Manen, 1997). While Allen (1995) argued that a clear distinction between phenomenology and hermeneutic phenomenology does not exist, he describes phenomenology as foundationalist, as it seeks a correct answer or valid interpretation of texts not dependent on the biographical, social or historical position of the interpreter. 186 Kafle, Hermeneutic phenomenological research. Researching Lived Experience in Education: Misunderstood or Missed Opportunity? What was called for is an obligation to understand the context under which the text or dialogue was being produced and to bring forth interpretations of meaning. However, once these hermeneutic conditions are finally revealed, they turn out to be very different from traditional transcendental conditions, since they disclose the radical facticity and situatedness of all human experience. He also questioned if Heidegger did not also fall prey, as did Husserl, to a quest for universal truths, specifically looking at the human condition and the world. The overt naming of assumptions and influences as key contributors to the research process in hermeneutic phenomenology is one striking difference from the naming and then bracketing of bias or assumptions in phenomenology. As well, van Manen (1997) supported the importance of paying attention to silence, the absence of speaking, the silence of the unspeakable and the silence of being or life itself, as it is herein that one may find the taken for granted or the self-evident. The interaction in the interview takes place within the context of a relationship, that is central to what is ultimately created (Polkinghorne, 1983). Historicality, a person's history or background, includes what a culture gives a person from birth and is handed down, presenting ways of understanding the world. This process is one of coming face to face with the ultimate structures of consciousness. Heidegger went as far as to claim that nothing can be encountered without reference to a person's background understanding. View or download all the content the society has access to. 'The phenomenology of Dasein is hermeneutic in the primordial significatiuon of this word" (Heidegger, 1962, p. 62). Conscious awareness was the starting point in building one's knowledge of reality. Methodologically, the interpretivist perspective may evolve, for example, in a process of interpretation and interaction between the investigator and research participants. There is a transaction between the individual and the world as they constitute and are constituted by each other (Munhall, 1989). Knowledge is seen as the best understandings we have been able to produce thus far, not a statement of what is ultimately real. Phenomenology (from Greek phainómenon "that which appears" and lógos "study") is the philosophical study of the structures of experience and consciousness.As a philosophical movement it was founded in the early years of the 20th century by Edmund Husserl and was later expanded upon by a circle of his followers at the universities of Göttingen and Munich in Germany. (pg. The Indo-Pacific Journal of Phenomenology (IPJP) can be found at www.ipjp.org. The ‘life world’ is understood as what we experience pre-reflectively, without resorting to categorization or conceptualization, and quite often includes what is taken for granted or those things that are common sense (Husserl, 1970). Koch (1995) described this as an indissoluble unity between a person and the world. This requires an attentiveness to ways in which language is used, an awareness of life as an interpretive experience, and an interest in human meaning and how we make sense of our lives. Find out about Lean Library here, If you have access to journal via a society or associations, read the instructions below. The researcher and participant worked together to bring life to the experience being explored, through the use of imagination, the hermeneutic circle and attention to language and writing. While both men taught at Freiberg, Heidegger worked with Husserl, who trained him in the processes of phenomenological intentionality and reduction. And the ultimate point Luft makes in the text is that Husserl's hermeneutic phenomenology is distinct from other hermeneutic philosophers, namely, Cassirer, Heidegger and Gadamer. While Husserl reportedly did not deny the unusualness of this stance, he continued to support it as a viable pursuit (Edie, 1987). Hermeneutic phenomenology is one of three types of Western phenomenology, the other two being transcendental and existential phenomenology (Kafle, 2011). (1989) reported that Husserl viewed consciousness as a co-constituted dialogue between a person and the world. In light of the descriptions given of these two traditions and their philosophical bases, what impact does this have on their use as research methodologies? Out of this milieu, a variety of research methodologies have grown in popularity including phenomenology, ethnography, grounded theory, and hermeneutic phenomenology (Denzin & Lincoln, 2000). Scruton (1995) identified much of Heidegger's work to be incomprehensible and questions how much of it was about his personal spiritual journey rather than philosophy. An individual user may print out a PDF of a single chapter of a monograph in OSO for personal use. The word hermeneutics comes from Hermes, the Greek messenger God. A ‘horizon’ is a range of vision that includes everything seen from a particular vantage point. Increasing questions emerged about the focus of inquiry, as well as exploration of methodologies that emphasized discovery, description and meaning rather than prediction, control and measurement. Denzin and Lincoln viewed the investigator and the investigated as interactively linked in the creation of findings, with the investigator as a passionate participant. While Husserl focused more on the epistemological question of the relationship between the knower and the object of study, Heidegger moved to the ontological question of the nature of reality and ‘Being’ in the world. This work exhibits conflicting tendencies. Further analysis would yield a synthesis of all meaning units into a consistent statement regarding the participant's experiences, known as the structure of the experience. contact us date: 03 December 2020. In contrast, hermeneutic phenomenology might take a somewhat different approach to data analysis. This chapter analyzes the relationship between hermeneutic phenomenology and transcendental philosophy in Heidegger’s Being and Time. By continuing to browse When conducting phenomenological or hermeneutic phenomenological studies, researchers need to ensure the credibility of the study. The focus is toward illuminating details and seemingly trivial aspects within experience that may be taken for granted in our lives, with a goal of creating meaning and achieving a sense of understanding (Wilson & Hutchinson, 1991). This exegetical research first discusses Husserl’s transcendental phenomenology constructs of noema, noesis, and epoche as presented by Moustakas (1994), followed by discussion of elements that affect individual decision-making. Moreover, each philosopher sought to uncover the life world or human experience as it is lived. Through this methodology, disclosure of a realm of being which presented itself with absolute certainty, arising from experience, seemed possible. This article provides a discussion of the essential similarities and differences between hermeneutic phenomenology and phenomenology from historical and methodological perspectives. Polkinghorne (1983) identified this focus as trying to understand or comprehend meanings of human experience as it is lived. Finally, integration of these variations is achieved through synthesis of the essences of interest. He believed that understanding is a basic form of human existence in that understanding is not a way we know the world, but rather the way we are (Polkinghorne, 1983). Polkinghorne (1983) described a two-fold process from Husserl's work. Phenomenological research is descriptive and focuses on the structure of experience, the organizing principles that give form and meaning to the life world. In both phenomenology and hermeneutic phenomenology, data can include the researcher's personal reflections on the topic, information gathered from research participants, and depictions of the experience from outside the context of the research project itself, including the arts, such as poetry and painting (Polkinghorne, 1989). From an epistemological stance, the positivist tradition saw a duality between the object of inquiry and the inquirer. Etymology: "Hermeneutics" derives from the messenger god Hermes, who had to be able to understand and interpret what the gods had to say to humans. From this perspective, he saw bracketing as impossible, as one cannot stand outside the pre-understandings and historicality of one's experience (Heidegger, 1927/1962). Key aspects of the process are the use of imagination, the hermeneutic circle and attention to language and writing processes. Hermeneutical Phenomenology 1. The purpose of this article is to discuss the early philosophical development of selected key issues related to phenomenology and hermeneutic phenomenology and support the position that differences and similarities exist. The use of in-depth description of complexities of experiences and interactions needs to be embedded in the data and the final text. Reality is not something ‘out there‘, but rather something that is local and specifically constructed. In each of these methodologies, one can see a working toward meaning through a structured process that is predetermined, yet influenced by the data. The rigor concepts presented above may be utilized by researchers in hermeneutic phenomenology or phenomenology or other avenues may be developed which more clearly articulate the quality of the study and ensure its credibility. What we will cover • Phenomenology as a Philosophy/History – Transcendental – Hermeneutic – Existential • Phenomenology as a methodology – Descriptive – Interpretive • What Phenomenologists believe and do • Strengths and Weaknesses • Disciplines that use phenomonology PY - 2015/5/21. Shifting our focus away from Husserl and Heidegger, in particular, and moving toward a broader review of phenomenology and hermeneutic phenomenology, important distinctions are apparent in methodology. The interpretationof theory has been an ongoing topic of discussion since time immemorial. Participants are generally asked to describe in detail their experience of the topic being investigated. Giorgi (1985) relied predominately on the insights of the researcher who worked through all data collected to get a sense of the whole and then discriminated meaning units from the descriptions of the phenomenon being studied. Koch (1995) stated ”Hermeneutics invites participants into an ongoing conversation, but does not provide a set methodology. Lincoln and Guba (1985) described questions of ontology (what is the form and nature of reality and what can be known about it); epistemology (what is the nature of the relationship between the knower and what can be known); and methodology (how can the inquirer go about finding out whatever they believe can be known) as essential in critiquing and conducting research. The researcher is called, on an ongoing basis, to give considerable thought to their own experience and to explicitly claim the ways in which their position or experience relates to the issues being researched. This exploration will begin with the phenomenology of Husserl and then move to explore heremeneutic phenomenology through Heidegger and Gadamer. Pre-understanding is a structure for being in the world, according to Heidegger (1927/1962). Born in 1900, Hans-Georg Gadamer was a student of philosophy at Marburg and Freiburg in the 1920s. Specifically, the biases and assumptions of the researcher are not bracketed or set aside, but rather are embedded and essential to interpretive process. van Manen (1997) believed writing forces an individual into a reflective attitude in which one writes themselves in a deeply collective way. Introduction . Meaning is found as we are constructed by the world while at the same time we are constructing this world from our own background and experiences. In comparing phenomenology and hermeneutic phenomenology as research methodologies, similarities and differences exist that arise out of the philosophical bases of these traditions. Heidegger, in contrast, viewed humans as being primarily concerned creatures with an emphasis on their fate in an alien world (Annells, 1996; Jones, 1975). Basic themes of hermeneutic phenomenology are “interpretation,” “textual meaning,” “dialogue,” “preunderstanding,” and “tradition.”. The use of a reflective journal is one way in which a hermeneutic circle can be engaged, moving back and forth between the parts and the whole of the text (Heidegger, 1927/1962). Pre-understanding is not something a person can step outside of or put aside, as it is understood as already being with us in the world. Once established in Husserl's chair, however, Heidegger disassociated himself from Husserl and his work. 375). This interpretive process includes explicit statements of the historical movements or philosophies that are guiding interpretation as well as the presuppositions that motivate the individuals who make the interpretations (Barclay, 1992; Polkinghorne). The process of data analysis can proceed in a number of ways in phenomenological research. The attraction of the phenomenological method was, for Husserl (1970), in its promise as a new science of being. 8 Is Hegel’s Phenomenology of Spirit an Essay in Transcendental Argument? Texts are understood to include things such as written or verbal communication, visual arts and music. Knowledge, politics, culture and gender: A discourse perspective, Hermeneutics: philosophical traditions and nursing practice research, Hermeneutic phenemenology: Philosophical perspectives and current use in nursing research, The utility of hermeneutic interpretation in psychotherapy, Qualitative research: the evaluation of its credibility, fittingness, and auditability, A historical overview of the phenomenologic, Psychological research as the phenomenologist views it, Weaving stories: Personal auto/biographies in feminist research, Hermeneutics as practical philosophy. Finlay (2011) identified mund Husserl’s transceEd ndental phenomenology and Martin Heidegger’s hermeneutic phenomenology as the two broad est categories of phenomenological res earch. It was there that he was influenced by the work of both Husserl and Heidegger and moved to extend Heidegger's work into practical application (Gadamer, 1976; Polkinghorne, 1983). These understandings are based on our historicality of being and all understanding will involve some prejudice. The way this exploration of lived … VanKaam (1966) utilized expert judges to review the analysis of the researcher and kept only those that were consensually validated through intersubjective agreement among the judges. this means that I am unable to treat him as if he were merely placed in front of me; between him and me there arises a relationship which surpasses my awareness of him; he is not only before me, he is also with me“ (pp. As stated earlier, both Husserl and Heidegger took exception to the Cartesian split between mind and body (Jones, 1975). If you think you should have access to this title, please contact your librarian. To troubleshoot, please check our This inquiry asks “What is this experience like?” as it attempts to unfold meanings as they are lived in everyday existence. Beck (1993) viewed credibility lying in how vivid and faithful the description is to the experience lived. Contact us if you experience any difficulty logging in. Koch (1995) identified that Husserl viewed intentionality and essences as key to our understanding of this phenomenology. A complete review of issues of rigor in qualitative research is beyond the scope of this article. There is an assumption that the world is structured by law like generalities that can be identified, predicted, manipulated or controlled to yield universal statements of scientific theory (Munhall, 1989). On the other hand, the interpretivist framework of inquiry supports the ontological perspective of the belief in the existence of not just one reality, but of multiple realities that are constructed and can be altered by the knower. This article provides a discussion of the essential similarities and differences between hermeneutic phenomenology and phenomenology from historical and methodological perspectives. The aim in participant selection in phenomenological and hermeneutic phenomenological research is to select participants who have lived experience that is the focus of the study, who are willing to talk about their experience, and who are diverse enough from one another to enhance possibilities of rich and unique stories of the particular experience (Polkinghorne; van Manen, 1997). In general, the emphasis of this research is on what is observable and accessible, with researchers focusing primarily on those areas and questions that are amenable to the adherence of empirical methods of inquiry (Gergen, 1985; Valle, King, & Halling, 1989). Transcendental and Hermeneutic Phenomenological Approaches McConnell-Henry, Chapman and Francis (2009) asserted that transcendental phenomenology developed by the father of phenomenology… As such, at least for the ancient Greeks, there was a connection… They sought to reclaim what they perceived had been lost through the use of empirical scientific explorations within the human realm. . This work exhibits conflicting tendencies. 24–26). Consequently, benchmarks of internal/external validity, reliability and objectivity have been developed to facilitate this process (Denzin & Lincoln). More specifically, phenomenology and hermeneutic phenomenology are often referred to interchangeably, without questioning any distinction between them. While Husserl is not seen as falling exactly within the positivist frameworks of ontology and epistemology, his early educational focus in the scientific paradigm is seen as a continuing influence in his conceptualizations of philosophy. 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