04 dez least squares estimate of b1
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The plot below shows the data from the, From the plot above it is easy to see that the line based on the least squares estimates /Filter [/ASCII85Decode/FlateDecode] The least square estimator b0 is to minimizer of Q = n i=1 {Yi −b0} 2 Note that dQ db0 = −2 n i=1 {Yi −b0} Letting it equal 0, we have thenormal equation n i=1 {Yi −b0} =0 which leads to the (ordinary) least square estimator b0 = Y.¯ The fitted model is Yˆ i = b0. ?Ki '/rnL2U%X',r/$P&bpol2K@n;.X;M*3aCqDT/nF!^?""Yi5:! ##kVq9ImlIR`_>COl:l3)9aA%a6K559!X8K(L'oOnP>;XC@tTe:c<9u:k;Uj-2r'YDB$\l)9jO@7 ^W?`61cOm3>1H+reSXY\Zbs(e5_Z9tKEU:9Ma2OQ-5+M[i*^d5D$R8eXT:&++HNKKmY[d[\#n=[ c'nbDbG8s3dhg'-5rE%0//Xk+BP?(`D*h"-,gp;WDo*rgMVPdIK1@nCgeDCEA3G\%NcjTJ7QrWBX>A$ZS!IFl":+$@6XGkJnW8j3ta11G)\d@DcN(GpTE[QarCm62i1\*&? 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OK(UpO\AB+.D]m0fNPQXoh@DV(o,aO@7Gk2s;OI>NAt0GLUlEI^ endstream 8 0 obj This video is the first in a series of videos where I derive the Least Squares Estimators from first principles. 1. M_jZN^qZ0X"92nK%#p\sql%'"+5l$D&,pGr_&j)!m@hPp;@DutVT$A9MF$FO17bA!Ik ;o^X$cV@i6VLr/DP%Jm! 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