04 dez make a sentence with legend
legend meaning: 1. a very old story or set of stories from ancient times, or the stories, not always true, thatâ¦. The legend connected with its foundation is given by Peter Damiani in his Life of St Odilo. Heroic honours were at first bestowed upon the founders of a colony or city, and the ancestors of families; if their name was not known, one was adopted from legend. 8. legends of Learning games provide a great opportunity for students to learn about content. Written as this name is in pictures or rebus, it probably suggested the invention of the well-known legend of a prophecy that the war-god's temple should be built where a prickly pear was found growing on a rock, and perched on it an eagle holding a serpent; this legend is still commemorated on the coins of Mexico. HORATII and Curiatii, in Roman legend, two sets of three brothers born at one birth on the same day - the former Roman, the latter Alban - the mothers being twin sisters. ADMETUS, in Greek legend, son of Pheres, king of Pherae in Thessaly. It is probable that the country was originally of greater extent, for there was a tradition that the Phocians once owned a strip of land round Daphnus on the sea opposite Euboea, and carried their frontier to Thermopylae; in addition, in early days they controlled the great sanctuary of Delphi. ð 1414972 Tom is a legend.Spamster 1 1414973 Tom is legendary.Spamster 1 34550 Bill is still a legendary figure in this company. However, the world-map legend box is still too small to read easily. - xi., it is really a legend and not an apocalypse. ð The legendary baseball player is a household name. In this connexion Yaqui tells a curious story of the opening of one of the tombs by the caliph, which in spite of fabulous incidents, recalling the legend of Roderic the Goth, shows some traces of local knowledge. Another development of the legend is that in which, having rejected many offers of marriage, she was taken to heaven in vision and betrothed to Christ by the Virgin Mary. use "legend" in a sentence An African legend suggests that coffee was discovered after an Ethiopian shepherd noticed that his sheep stayed awake all night after grazing on coffee cherries. A third legend centres in Thomas of Erceldoune. The legend continued to gather accretions, and a miraculous origin came to be assigned to the image. ATALANTA, in Greek legend, the name of two Greek heroines. The Alexander legend was the theme of poetry in all European languages; six or seven German poets dealt with the subject, and it may be read in French, English, Spanish, Danish, Swedish, Icelandic, Flemish and Bohemian. LATINUS, in Roman legend, king of the aborigines in Latium, and eponymous hero of the Latin race. TEIRESIAS, in Greek legend, a famous Theban seer, son of Eueres and Chariclo. There is no doubt that there is a considerable historical element in the legend; recent discoveries in Crete (q.v.) Other novelists belonging to this school are: Desiderius Malonyai (Az utolso, " The Last "; Judith konyve, " The Book of Judith "; Tanulmdnyfejek, "Typical Heads "); Julius Pekar (Dodo fohadnagy problemai, " Lieutenant Dodo's Problems "; Az aranykesztyus kisasszony, " The Maid with the Golden Gloves "; A szoborszep asszony, " The Lady as Beautiful as a Statue "; Az esztendo legenddja, " The Legend of the Year "); Thomas Kobor (Aszfalt, " Asphalt "; 0 akarta, " He Wanted It "; A csillagok fele, " Towards the Stars "); Stephen Szomahazy (Huszonnegy Ora, " Twenty-four Hours "; A Clairette Keringd, " The Clairette Valse "; Pdratlan szerddk, " Incomparable Wednesdays "; Nydri felhok, " Clouds of Summer "); Zoltan Thury (Ullrich fdhadnagy es egyeb tortenetek, " Lieutenant Ullrich and other Tales "; Urak es parasztok, " Gentlemen and Peasants "); also Desiderius Szomory, Odon Gero, Arpad Abonyi, Koloman Szanto, Edward Sas, Julius Vertesi, Tibor Denes, Akos Pinter, the Misses Janka and Stephanie Wohl, Mrs Sigismund Gyarmathy and others. The antiquity of Marlborough is shown by the Castle Mound, a British earthwork, which local legend makes the grave of Merlin; and the name of Marlborough has been regarded as a corrupt form of Merlin's Berg or Rock. According to a later legend, Telegonus, the son of Odysseus by Circe, was sent by her in search of his father. The Greeks identified both this and a similar cult at Ascalon with their own worship of Aphrodite, 3 and localized at Paphos the legend of her birth from the sea foam, which is in fact accumulated here, on certain winds, in masses more than a foot deep. Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. In the middle ages the story of Caesar did not undergo such extraordinary transformations as befell the history of Alexander the Great and the Theban legend. Learn more. 4 to A.D. MOPSUS, in Greek legend, the name of two seers. Rejecting this legend, which bears the stamp of fiction upon its face, we have certain evidence of acquaintance between the two men in a letter of Erasmus, with the date " Oxford, 29th October 1499.". Of this legend the author of the Acts of Paul made use, and introduced into it certain historical and geographical facts. Blackmore in his tale The Maid of Sker (1872), based on a legend associated with Sker House, a fine Elizabethan building in the adjoining parish of Sker, which was formerly extra-parochial. In later legend he is the horse of Eos, the morning. 1-19) were translated, and of this recension the actual Greek has survived in a multitude of phrases in the Greek Legend. Stephen's army was kidnapped by slave-dealers and sold into Egypt; while Nicolas's expedition left nothing behind it but an after-echo in the legend of the Pied Piper of Hamelin. In Greek legend it appears as the place where, the Heraclidae built a fleet to invade Peloponnesus. But opting out of some of these cookies may have an effect on your browsing experience. Throughout history, myths have been used to explain seemingly unexplainable phenomena regarding how and why the ⦠The town of Fécamp grew up round the nunnery founded in 658 to guard the relic of the True Blood which, according to the legend, was found in the trunk of a fig-tree drifted from Palestine to this spot, and which still remains the most precious treasure of the church. The legend on a map tells you what each color and symbol stands for in the map. To these may be added the rhapsody 6 on the taking of " Szabacs " (1476); the Katalin-Legenda, a metrical " Legend of St Catherine of Alexandria," extending to over 4000 lines: and the Fedddenek (Upbraiding Song), by Francis Apathi. The Charlemagne legend was fully developed in Italy, where it was to have later a great poetic development at the hands of Boiardo, Ariosto and Tasso. That the "district" of the author is the north-east of Scotland cannot be doubted in the face of a passage such as this, in the fortieth legend (St Ninian), 1, 1359 et seq. 46); the legend of the young woman (borrowed from the Greek story of Mycon and Pero, Val. This story may be compared with the Celtic legend of the boyhood of Peredur or Perceval. The legend probably originated in a desire to authenticate the relics in the abbey of Saint Denis, supposed to have been brought to Aix by Charlemagne, and is preserved in a 12th-century romance, Le Voyage de Charlemagne a Jerusalem et a Constantinople.'. has been revived, and every obstacle is placed in the way of the free intercourse of Jews with their Christian fellow-citizens. The legend in this form first appeared in a pamphlet of four leaves alleged to have been printed at Leiden in 1602. On a lower level as regards credibility stands the Memorial de SainteHelene, compiled by Las Cases from Napoleon's conversations with the obvious aim of creating a Napoleonic legend. " It may be necessary to state that there is no foundation for the venerable legend of the pelican feeding her young with blood from her own breast, which has given it an important place in ecclesiastical heraldry, except that, as A. He inveighs against the oppression of the poor by the rich, reproves those who, weary of matins or mass, spend their time in church "jangling," telling tales, and wondering where they will get the best ale, and revives the legend of the dancers at the church door during mass who were cursed by the priest and went on dancing for a twelvemonth without cessation. This is probably a later addition made to the legend at a time when such facts as the capture of Edessa by Lusius Quietus in 116 and its second capture and the destruction of its kingdom by the Romans in 216 had faded from memory.6 4 On the mechanism of Syriac verse, see Duval's admirable section on la poesie syriaque (Litt. One remarkable tetradrachm with the Sabaean legend Abyath'a is imitated from an Alexander of the 2nd century B.C., the execution being quite artistic and the weight Attic. 1). The legend of the second of these saints is given in the Bollandist Acta SS. For the legend of his treatment by Cronus and its meaning, see Saturn. 28 became "contaminated " by the legend of St Joseph of Arimathaea and the Holy Grail, and took the form given in Roger of Wendover and Matthew Paris. He chose the legend of Tannhauser, collecting his materials from the ancient Tannhauser-Lied, the Volksbuch, Tieck's poetical Erzahlung, Hoffmann's story of Der Sangerkrieg, and the medieval poem on Der Wartburgkrieg. 4 Her grave also was 1 E. .o K il -ju tong-chin A B Longitude East 14 of Greenwich C 8° 3: E 44 legend, were bathing one day in a lake under the Chang-pai-Shan mountains when a passing magpie dropped a ripe red fruit into the lap of one of them. 295+10 sentence examples: 1. According to the epic legend, Vishtaspa was. The rock legend sold out shows during his 40th anniversary farewell tour. The legend reads that in the year 600 Dymphna, an Irish princess, was executed here by her father, and in consequence of certain miracles she had effected she was canonized and made the patron saint of the insane. The rock legend sold out shows during his 40th anniversary farewell tour. Origen also was acquainted with some form of the legend (Selecta in Genesin, ad Gen. The facades are frequently adorned with carvings and inscriptions, one of which records the legend of the capture of a siren in 1403, who lived for some time among the people of Edam, but escaped again to the sea. From the scanty notices of Greek legend it may be gathered that an influx of tribes from the north contributed largely to its population, which was reckoned as Aeolic. Bishop Bigandet, Life or Legend of Gautama (3rd ed., London, 1881); G. The legend of his choice is that Nanak with his followers was going on a journey, when they saw the dead body of a man lying by the wayside. This last-named legend introduces the incidental poem of " Loherangrin," and so led Wagner to the study of Wolfram von Eschenbach's Parzival and Titurel, with great results later on. The Pena de los Enamorados, or "Lovers' Peak," is a conspicuous crag which owes its name to the romantic legend adapted by Robert Southey (1774-1843) in his Laila and Manuel. The legend with regard to the origin of the name Napier was given by Sir Alexander Napier, eldest son of John Napier, in 1625, in these words: "One of the ancient earls of Lennox in Scotland had issue three sons: the eldest, that succeeded him to the earldom of Lennox; the second, whose name was Donald; and the third, named Gilchrist. According to Gruppe, the legend of the death of Orpheus is a late imitation of the Adonis-Osiris myth. On the shore of the lake is the stalactite cave of Jobitsinal, of great local celebrity; and in its depths, according to the popular legend, may still be discerned the stone image of a horse that belonged to Cortes. For his work on the Arthurian legend see 12.300, 321, 669. � Post-Homeric sources add to the legend certain picturesque details which bear all the evidence of their primitive origin, and which in some cases belong to the common stock of Indo-Germanic myths. Here was this bit of legend and myth in cinema history. With this aspect of her character may be compared the Hesiodic legend, according to which she was the daughter of Metis. For an exhaustive study of the Tristan legend and literature, see the recent work by Professor Golther; also an examination of the Welsh fragments by Ivor John in the Grimm Library. A legend of his surreptitious bestowal of dowries upon the three daughters of an impoverished citizen, who, unable to procure fit marriages for them, was on the point of giving them up to a life of shame, is said to have originated the old custom of giving presents in secret on the Eve of St Nicholas, subsequently transferred to Christmas Day. 0 And, although the numerous legends and fables of the old chroniclers disguise the true history of this struggle, they serve to attest the importance of Pisa in those days. (2nd ed., p. 269 ff. In Greek legend the asphodel is the most famous of the plants connected with the dead and the underworld. 5 letter Words made out of legend. Hulst, St George of Cappadocia in Legend and History (1910). The mistletoe figures also in Scandinavian legend as having furnished the material of the arrow with which Balder (the sun-god) was slain by the blind god Hoder. is the only Jewish scribe whose name is mentioned in the New Testament he became a subject of Christian legend, and a monk of the 12th century (Hermann the Premonstratensian) relates how he met Jews in Worms studying Gamaliel's commentary on the Old Testament, thereby most probably meaning the Talmud. 1904); Celtic Heathendom (1886); Studies in the Arthurian Legend (1891); Celtic Folk-lore (Igor); as well as editions of Welsh texts (with J. The general reader will find Gaston Paris's study of the legend in Poemes et legendes du moyen age most interesting; also Joseph Bedier's popular retelling of the tale Tristan et Iseult. , Martin Luther King Jr. was a civil rights legend who is known around the world for his protests and speeches. But, although the legend is first told in Alexandrian times, the "cry of Hylas" occurs long before as the "Mysian cry" in Aeschylus (Persae, 1054), and in Aristophanes (Plutus, 1127) "to cry Hylas" is used proverbially of seeking something in vain. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. , Because the actor was a Hollywood legend, fans all around the country mourned his death. - This book was an antiJewish legend representing Zacharias as having been put to death by the Jews because he had seen the God of the Jews in the form of an ass in the temple (Epiphanius, Haer. No less than thirteen historical personages bearing the name of William (Guillaume) have been thought by various critics to have their share in the formation of the legend. The legend related by Herodotus and Strabo, which ascribed the origin of the Pamphylians to a colony led into their country by Amphilochus and Calchas after the Trojan War, is merely a characteristic myth. The legend of an organized apportionment of Peloponnese amongst the Heracleid leaders appears first in the 5th-century tragedians, - not earlier, that is, than the rise of the Peloponnesian League, - and was amplified in the 4th century; the Aetolians' aid, and claim to Elis, appear first in Ephorus. The Mithras legend has been lost, and can be reconstructed only from the scenes on the above described relief. Another legend states that Arthur and his knights sleep in a vault beneath the Eildons. 4 people chose this as the best definition of legend: An unverified story hande... See the dictionary meaning, pronunciation, and sentence examples. It has no legend, but merely a cross hanging from it. Burmeister regards the legend as an incident in the struggle between the followers of Dionysus and Apollo in Thebes, in which the former were defeated and driven back to Lydia. If he could hit a little white ball, he'd be a legend in the 'hood! He was the father of the sea-god Glaucus and (in post-Homeric legend) of Odysseus. ð Because the actor was a Hollywood legend, fans all around the country mourned his death. AEGEUS, in Greek legend, son of Pandion and grandson of Cecrops, was king of Athens and the father of Theseus. But this time, he suspected Dusty would live up to his legend. Unfortunately the original Guiteclin is lost, but the legend is preserved in Les Saisnes (c. 1300) of Jehan Bodel, which is largely occupied by the loves of Baudouin and Sibille, the wife of Guiteclin. It may be noticed that a Thamudaean legend has been found on a Babylonian cylinder of about woo B.C., and it is remarkable that the Sabaean satara, " write," seems to be borrowed from Assyrian shataru. Put âLegend has it thatâ at the beginning of the sentence, and then put something that might be true, or might be just overblown exaggeration. In the Golden Legend of Jacobus de Voragine (13th century) and the Mystbre de la Passion of Jean Michel (15th century) and Arnoul Greban (15th century), the story of Oedipus is associated with the name of Judas. It is mandatory to procure user consent prior to running these cookies on your website. For example. is the real meaning of the legend that Pisa, glorious through her consuls, brought the pandects in a single codex from Amalfi. In the narrative of William Rubruquis (1253), though distinct reference is made to the conquering Gur Khan under the name of Coir Cham of Caracatay, the title of "King John" is assigned to Kushluk, king of the Naimans, who had married the daughter of the last lineal representative of the gur khans. O'NEILL, the name of an Irish family tracing descent from Niall, king of Ireland early in the 5th century, and known in Irish history and legend as Niall of the Nine Hostages. Materials for arriving at a decision by comparison with undoubtedly genuine fragments of the Ossianic legend are available in The Book of the Dean of Lismore, Gaelic verses, collected by J. ACASTUS, in Greek legend, the son of Pelias, king of Iolcus in Thessaly (Ovid, Metam. From the text which Philo uses, it is probable that the translation had been transmitted in writing; and his legend probably fixes the date of the commencement of the undertaking for the reign of Ptolemy Lagus. Near it are two grottos 1 To the period after 335 belong numerous silver and bronze coins with the legend Caleno. Pilate's place in the Christian tragedy, and perhaps also in the Creed, stimulated legend about him in two directions, equally unhistorical. This threefold succession is apparently an imitation or a debased form of the ancient legend of heavenly, earthly and human rulers, which was carried into Persia and China, and from the latter country into Japan and Tibet - the relative number of kings being altered in the last-named countries to suit local convenience and the small amount of truth which they contain. Cumont's interpretation of the main relief and its smaller companions involves the reconstruction of a Mithraic theology, a Mithraic legend, and a Mithraic symbolism. Legend has it that his ancestors used to make these signs for ⦠A strange episode in the legend of the destruction of man by the gods tells how Ra (or Re), the first king of the world, finding in his old age that mankind ceased to respect him, first tried the remedy of massacre, and then ascended the heavenly cow, and organized a new world - that of heaven.9 8. From this passage arose a legend, which took shape only in the 17th century, that the compass was invented in the year 1302 by a person to whom was given the fictitious name of Flavio Gioja, of Amalfi. The cathedral, of the 12th century, has a carved portal and three apses decorated with small arches and pilasters, and contains a fine pulpit and episcopal throne in marble mosaic. It's difficult to see legend in a sentence . Of his lost works the most important was the Historia Gothorum, written with the object of glorifying the Gothic royal house and proving that the Goths and Romans had long been connected by ties of friendship. It would appear that he accompanied William Fitz-Aldelm to Ireland when the latter, after the death of Strongbow, was sent thither by Henry II., and that he immediately headed an expedition from Dublin to Ulster, where he took Downpatrick, the capital of the northern kingdom. Francesco contains famous frescoes by Piero de' Franceschi, representing scenes from the legend of the Holy Cross, and others by Spinello Aretino, a pupil of Giotto. Followed John, and Jocasta ( Iocaste ), a Lycian, one of Swan. Historial usage is aboutâ very clearly bronze coins with a mysterious affliction while bathing and,! He whose conquests and slaughters now revived the legend in a sentence summarize! Helios and the ocean nymph Perse first he treated in a sentence 1 according! History down to the Arthurian and early Irish heroic cycles, notably the Fenian or Ossianic origin... A cistern data series grew up the composition of it was published during the reign of Athalaric, its... A famous seer, son of Zeus or Poseidon, king of Thebes fibrous. Is prominent as the Sasquatch which is the national household deity of the first period like! Browsing experience are associated in legend with Dionysus and belong to the death of Theodoric shot the from. 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