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my cat hissed at me for the first time

my cat hissed at me for the first time

Aggression is the second most common feline behavior problem seen by animal behaviorists. Maybe there are other cats coming around making your cat nervous “If someone is doing something that annoys your cat,” Koski says, “teaching that person to stop the annoying behavior is a good start. “If there is conflict between cats, often people will confuse the hissing cat with being the aggressor,” she says. Not sure about food puzzles? 2 females, 1 male. My cat Captain Jack Bower is hissing at me when I am going to feed him. The cat will typically also bare his teeth, she notes, and have “ears flattened to the side of the head,” an arched back, and fur standing on end (piloerection). Koski cites the example of her husband’s cat, Samantha. Other conditions, such as hyperthyroidism and nervous system disorders, can also lead to hissing. If your cat is interrupted when he’s in “territorial mode” while watching another cat outside, he may inadvertently hiss at you. Take our breed quiz to find your next pet. This can be true even of very sociable cats during gentle interactions. My cat, and I, was very agitated by this. Other conditions, such as hyperthyroidism and nervous system disorders, can also lead to hissing. “They easily get into a flight, freeze, or fight mode. She also followed me out of the room one time still hissing at me. Then, before you know what happened, she hisses and bites your hand. They will hiss when they feel threatened, fearful, or are upset about something.”. She suggests the option of “systematic desensitization with counter-conditioning,” which means gradually exposing your cat to low levels of the thing he fears (object or person) while providing him with something good, like treats or affection. Well, he came inside this evening, and laid on the couch. Vetstreet. He thinks it is marvelous that we hiss at each other. Petting-induced aggression. Although this is normal and happens occasionally in all felines, a hissing cat should not be taken lightly. I left out the room 3 times and came back and each time she hissed at me. Sometimes I do this to get her … Please enter an address, city and/or zip code. Well, my daughter (16)F started to pet him, and he growled at her. I was shocked because she usually hiss when I walk towards her. “Cats typically hiss as a warning,” Koski explains. “With time, the hissing will decrease, and your cat will feel more comfortable with his home and its inhabitants,” she says. I left the room. No big deal, typical behavior. Hoping things would mellow out over time, my son would tell me to walk by the cat as nonchalantly as possible — that’s kinda hard to do when you are shaking inside and out. Koski cites an example of this from her practice: “I recently met with a new client whose cat, Bertie, hisses at everyone. ... Cats Meeting Babies for the FIRST Time [NEW] Compilation - Duration: … According to Koski, “Mother cats will hiss if someone comes too close to their kittens,” whether it’s a person or other animal. “Slowly remove yourself from the situation and give your cat a way to escape so that he can cool off. Like most mammals, mother cats are extremely protective of their babies. One thing that can sometimes put kitties off balance is the new or unfamiliar—people, objects, or changes in environment. I have a feeling she doesn't like my smell or is afraid of me. My cat (more like kitten since she just recently turned 9 months old) never has growled or hissed at me before till today. Remember, when interacting with a new cat, the key is to proceed slowly and even be aloof for a while until the cat approaches you. I have a little calico that is a bit skittish, and she's hissed at me a few times. It is often like a surprised “Hi”! So I have 3 cats. She got the cat from a breeder who sold kittens and adults. Usually, their choice is to freeze or flee and avoid conflict,” she explains, but sometimes they will react defensively by hissing. Although cat aggression is sometimes taken less seriously than dog aggressionperhaps because cats are smaller and dont pursue people to bite themaggressive cats can be formidable. Koski agrees. If your veterinarian doesn't detect any medical problems, and you want to minimize the behavior, you need to determine what's causing your cat to have a hissy fit. I keep her in my bedroom. Predatory aggression. please install the latest version of Flash. I went to rub my cat's head as I saw her on the windowsill, she hissed at me and hunched back. While stress can be related to the aforementioned issues of unfamiliarity or feeling threatened, it can stem from many other factors as well. This brings us to a related issue: stress. If you notice your cat hissing when you or your family members attempt to handle him, he likely feels threatened in some way. Our male cat is about 10yrs old. I'm guessing he must have a lot since idk how long he's been infested with them. Inter-cat aggression. If you have a cat that usually doesn’t mind being held, and then suddenly starts to hiss or do the infamous “MMMMMMM” sound that cats make right before hissing (I refer to it jokingly as “cat thunder”), this could be a sign that your cat is in pain. Stress. “If a cat doesn't feel safe, they will avoid the situation or there will be conflict.”. takes it to mean exactly what it is…back off of me. Cats who were not socialized properly as kittens may be fearful of people and pets. “It can be a sign that indicates that they don't want to be touched or approached,” Koski explains, which “can be due to fear or even physical pain.” While physical pain is one of the less common reasons for a cat to hiss, it’s not unheard of, particularly if you are touching your cat in an area that is hurting him. Stevenson notes that cats suffering from arthritis may hiss when jumping off a chair or moving in a way that causes pain to flare up. “Hissing is not necessarily an indication that your cat is aggressive, but it is a sign that your cat may attack if he continues to be provoked.”. For some cats, this fear or discomfort can prompt hissing. The warning hiss. If the video doesn't start playing momentarily, And there is alot since my parents didn't look after him that great whilst I was at university. So my loving cat just hissed at me for the first time in 10yrs. Last night he was asleep on the chair and I went over to him and stroked him which woke him up and he turned around and hissed really angrily at me. Either way I gave him a good bathe and he's never been that wet before which is probably why he hissed at me a few times. A cat may hiss to indicate that he’s reached his threshold while being handled. I have two cats, and the one who is hissing is historically the more reactive of the two. It was a little hiss, but totally out of nowhere. He is hissing, growling and meowing at all of the family. If the cat belongs to a friend, ask if the cat is shy or likes to be petted. Do you have a mother cat at home? Then let the cat make the first move. Cats can bit… Looked out the window and there was a feral cat outside looking in at us. ... Hooman blows on her cat for the very first time. I fostered a cat the day before yesterday (female around 2-3 years old) and my cat hated her at first sight. My friend's pitbull is also really afraid of me so I don't know. Our new tool will narrow down more than 300 breeds for you. © Cat hissing at me for no reason. The Humane Society says that cats have a wide variety of vocalizations that they use for communicating, both with other cats and with humans. “Make a note of when and where the cat is hissing,” Stevenson advises. Bartonella is a type bacteria that can be transmitted to cats, dogs and humans from exposure to infected fleas and…. Don't move towards the cat, particularly not in a way that would make it feel trapped, for example if it is in an enclosed cat carrier. If I hiss at him first… he usually hisses right back and takes off running, a cue for me to chase. She gives the example of a cat who, when you try to bring him in from outside, hisses and walks away, as if to say, nah, I don’t want to do that. My resident cat is very upset. If your cat hisses a lot, especially when he's handled, it may indicate that he's in pain. Let us know! It can take some cats time to recover from a scary situation, so make sure you let your cat come to you for the next interaction.”, It should come as no surprise to cat owners that people are not the only target of a cat’s hiss—confrontation with other animals is another common cause. If you’re patient, this can help your cat eventually adjust to the trigger and become less fearful. Wonder which dog or cat best fits your lifestyle? But some quirky, comical cats will hiss often to show their displeasure or annoyance, like a human uttering a swear word to themselves, Stevenson explains. They wrote, “My cat hissed hard at me one day for no reason. They have five potential weapons (their teeth and all four clawed paws) compared to a dogs sole weapon of his or her mouth. Growling and hissing are both very common ways that cats communicate. To determine whether a hiss is due to pain or simply fear, it’s important to be observant. 2001-2020  As Stevenson notes, cats who are “handled roughly” might hiss “during restraint and on approach.” Similarly, you also may notice your cat hissing during a visit to the vet, as a reaction to being restrained by the doctor or technicians. 2001-2020  Likewise, hissing can be a cat’s expression of annoyance toward a person who is bothering him, even if he’s not afraid. In fact, it's believed that feline hissing is a form of protective mimicry — an animal mimics a more dangerous creature to protect itself if it feels threatened. She may be hissing out of pain and trying to stop you from hurting her further. Giving the cat some space and respect will go far to reduce hissing if this is the case.”, Cat Hissing: 7 Things That Might Be to Blame, Feeling Threatened by or Fearful of People, 10 Weird Cat Behaviors That Could Be Signs of a Sick Cat, 7 Ways Cat Lovers Can Celebrate International Cat Day. She turns on her side as you rub her belly, and she kneads her paws in contentment. My cat does it when I come home and he sees me walk in for the first time. With any luck, your cat will have nothing left to hiss about. Not sure if your cat is an indoor cat but something like this happened with me. I put her food in the bowl. Vetstreet does not provide medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. What happened to turn your mild-mannered cat into Cujo? - Duration: 0:30. mariobee 18,109 views. 1. Sometimes cat's just need space, and later when he's calmed down you can love on him. All rights reserved. “Cats do not cope well with stress,” Stevenson says. “His guardian thought he was aggressive, but after my visit with him, I found that Bertie was simply very scared of new people and objects in his environment.”. Asocial aggression. If your cat is hurt, or has mats, petting him could hurt. All rights reserved. The kitten has only been with us for 3 days. Check out our collection of more than 250 videos about pet training, animal behavior, dog and cat breeds and more. My little rescued feral tortie, however. So have your vet examine your kitty to rule out any underlying medical causes, such as arthritis or dental disease. See Additional Information ›. We’ve got the skinny on which foods are OK to feed him. If your cat hisses every time you pick her up, make sure there isn't something wrong physically. Your cat may feel threatened by new people, noises or other changes in the household. Let the cat approach you first. While stress can be related to the aforementioned issues of unfamiliarity or feeling threatened, it can stem from many other factors as well. She notes that hissing is especially common during confrontations between unaltered male cats searching for mates, when it’s used as a tool of intimidation: “the sound is sudden and startling, and the cat is showing his weaponry—those nice, sharp teeth.”. “Cats really don't like confrontation with other animals, and hissing is one of the best ways to tell an ‘aggressor’ that they should just keep their distance,” Koski says. While it can be tempting to approach the cat, try to let the cat make the first move. If your cat hisses a lot, especially when he's handled, it may indicate that he's in pain. Sy and Cloud were busy finding things to hide under (yes, you can track farts to find them). Contrary to popular belief, hissing is a normal way that cats express fear, not aggression or hatred. In fact, Bertie hisses pretty much at anything that he is unfamiliar with, including new toys,” she explains. Picture a foreboding, hissing snake rising before you. He is a year old and is absolutely loving and gorgeous. For hours. The friendly and inquisitive LaPerm has an easy-care coat that comes in a variety of colors and patterns. As mentioned previously, cats will sometimes hiss when being approached or handled by humans. Two cats who haven’t been properly introduced yet may hiss at one another as a way to say “stay away from me!” New objects: Unfamiliar objects in the house that move strangely may trigger your cat to hiss or be fearful. Everyone remarks that she is such a mellow feline; she purrs, meows and rubs lovingly on anyone in her vicinity, and she’s never once hissed.My dad is particularly enthralled, as his own cat — a 15-year-old calico named Polly — can’t even seem to go an hour without snarling at someone or something. Want to give your pup yummy, low-calorie treats? If your cat is hissing, it could be related to stressors in his life or environment. It is best to meet the cat in an open space, so they don't feel cornered by you. A hiss occurs “when a cat exhales a burst of air through the mouth, causing a noise that sounds similar to a snake hiss,” explains Dr. Marci Koski, a certified feline behavior and training professional with Feline Behavior Solutions in Vancouver, Washington. If your cat is hissing at you or your family members, it’s a good idea to take stock of your actions. Vetstreet does not provide medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. All rights reserved. Each time I attempted to go to another room, or go upstairs, there was the cat, eyes dilated, hissing and growling. @jasean79: . Your cat is simply asking for space when it is hissing. Some examples of why your cat may hiss at people and other pets: Fear-induced aggression. “[She] had a litter of kittens and she wouldn't let him near them to pet them,” she explains. If your cat is hissing at other animals or people it may be time to work … “Then take steps to remedy the situation,” whether that means altering your behavior or, if you suspect pain, taking your cat to the vet. A cat might also hiss when denied a treat he wants. But, as Stevenson points out, it’s important to recognize that hissing is more a defensive than offensive move, both in confrontations with other animals and humans. First of all, stop what you’re doing, and “give your cat space—this is critical,” Koski advises. Redirected aggression. For the first time in my cat-hosting adult life, I was alone in a room. Youre on the couch, petting your purring cat just like you have on many previous quiet evenings. Anyway, about a half hour after my brother left, my cat was sitting next to me, and while I was petting him like normal, he hissed at me for the first time ever. © 2001-2020  If your cat is hissing, it could be related to stressors in his life or environment. And as Alana Stevenson, a certified animal behaviorist based in Boston, confirms: “Hissing is a normal behavior in cats. Vetstreet. Powered by Brightspot. So I gave my cat a deep clean bath as I noticed flea dirt. “He was so intimidated by Sam—who is normally a loving and affectionate cat—that he was unable to touch the kittens for a few weeks!” If you have a mother cat who has recently given birth and become prone to hissing, it’s a good idea to give her and the little ones extra space so she can feel safe. “It's important to not ignore this warning.”, Usually, hissing indicates the more serious issues we’ve covered, like fear, defensiveness, stress, and pain. Cats are masters at not letting you know they’re injured, if this is a new cat he could be sore or remembering old injuries. 3 days ago I came back in the house in the morning and she hissed at me as I was coming back in the room. Another cat parent shared their own experience with the hissing business. Some cats will also do it when they want some attention as if to say – “Hey there, what about me?” Growl – A growl is a low guttural vocalization produced as a warning. So while hissing is not an aggressive behavior per se, Koski notes that, “If your cat is hissing a lot, something is not right in your kitty's world.” To help you get to the bottom of this behavior, we’ve compiled a list of possible causes behind the cat hiss. This brings us to a related issue: stress. It has been better in the last 24 hours but I feel like he is warming up to everyone but me. Once you’ve determined what’s causing your cat to hiss, you can work with your veterinarian or a professional trainer to take steps to either avoid the triggers or reduce the underlying fear or aggression. © Have a point of view to share? Cats may view other pets in the household — birds, gerbils and guinea pigs — as prey and become agitated when they're near them. Instead she followed me and hissed at me and started scratching my ankles and hissing at the same time. A cat that feels pain and complains by hissing. It is something between a squeak and a “chirp”. So have your vet examine your kitty to rule out any underlying medical causes, such as arthritis or dental disease. 5 Reasons Your Cat's Hissing At Your New Kitten. He generally gravitates towards me more than my wife, which is why it is very strange he hissed at me. What gives? Like this article? “When in reality, the hissing cat can be a victim and the aggressor usually will be doing more staring and stalking.” That said, if you notice hissing between your cat and another animal, it’s best to separate them, as the confrontation could escalate. He hisses, looks about all wide-eyed with an expression that says: "What the hell was that?!" The only time my cat ever hisses is when he suddenly wakes from what I presume to be a nightmare. I think my older cat is upset with me because I have adopted a stray kitten. A cat who is growling, hissing, or spitting is a clear sign that the cat is agitated, frightened, or angry about something. Powered by Brightspot. Penelope is my 4-year-old cat, and she is the marvel of the neighborhood. “When cats feel threatened or afraid, they will hiss,” Stevenson says, noting that “it is not something they can control.” According to both of our experts, feeling threatened by or fearful of people is a common cause of hissing. Im a first time cat owner and we have had tipsy for a few months. Hi there, I wonder if anyone can explain why my lovely cat hissed at me. If you notice that your kitty hisses every time you touch a particular part of its body, it may be because it hurts. It’s a warning that more aggressive behavior, such as biting or scratching, is coming if you don’t give him some space. “They do like affection, but they need to feel safe,” she says. At the same time, he exposes his fanglike teeth — adding some spit for good measure — while swishing his tail in a serpentine manner. With these simple dental care tips, you can help keep your canine’s adorable smile shiny and healthy for life. I’m having a hard time with my 4 year old cat accepting a kitten into the home. Powered by Brightspot. Chances are that your reaction would be to back away — and that’s exactly the effect that your cat is going for when he hisses. Our veterinarian reveals why the payoff for your pet is well worth any extra work. When a cat channels his inner snake, he flattens his ears so that his head resembles the narrow head of a snake. Although this type of aggression is often associated with male cats who haven't been neutered, any adult cat may bully others in the household over territorial conflicts. It may have internal damage that you have not detected, that needs urgent veterinary care. Vetstreet. This can happen in the following situations: New visitors: New people may startle your cat and cause him or her to hiss. Our pets like to be in control, so it may take some time for resident cats to adjust to new kittens. I let her out at night to run around until I go to bed. As I'm walking away from her I thought she was eating. A cat laser pointer toy that shines a red dot might also get them to play a little. “When you hear the hiss, pay attention,” she emphasizes. He has ALWAYS been the sweetest of all our cats. Cats are naturally solitary animals - you may already be aware that your kitties like things their own way! A cat growling and hissing is usually a cat who's scared. In this case, Bertie’s guardian can ease his fear by slowly introducing and desensitizing him to unfamiliar things in his home environment, Koski says. ... if I popped my head under the area to see her, she hissed. Are you approaching your cat in a manner that could be read as aggressive, or not handling him gently enough? This is the first time she hissed while I'm walkin away from her. Fear. She attributes some cat stress to exposure to loud noises or “quick, sporadic movements,” and suggests making an effort to create a calm, soft, and quiet environment to ease tension for your cat. A mother cat may hiss to defend her kittens from intruders. It just means that he's upset, like you said. 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