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sack of amorium

sack of amorium

To calculate the overall star rating and percentage breakdown by star, we don’t use a simple average. The city was fortified by the emperor Zeno in the 5th century, but did not rise to prominence until the 7th century. Enter your mobile number or email address below and we'll send you a link to download the free Kindle App. When the young emperor, Theophilus (r. 829–842), heard about the sack of Amorium—his hometown, chosen by the caliph for that very reason, to make the sting hurt all the more—he fell ill and died three years later, aged 28, reportedly from sorrow. [27] Theophilos, anxious to prevent the city's fall, left Constantinople for Dorylaion, and from there sent an embassy to Mu'tasim. [37], Immediately after the sack, rumours reached the caliph that Theophilos was advancing to attack him. The city itself never recovered from the sack, but retained an active bishopric until definitively conquered by the Seljuks following the Battle of Manzikert in 1071. In addition, the Byzantine campaign had suffered from Theophilos's overconfidence, both in his willingness to divide his forces in the face of greater Arab numbers and in his over-reliance on the Khurramites. Arab/Islamic sources refer to the city as Ammuriye. [49] Arabs on the other hand celebrated the capture of Amorium, which became the subject of Abu Tammam's famous Ode on the Conquest of Amorium. [23][25][26], The Arab army marched in three separate corps, with Ashinas once again in front, the caliph in the middle, and Afshin bringing up the rear. The Sack of Amorium by the Abbasid Caliphate in mid-August 838 was one of the major events in the long history of the Arab–Byzantine Wars.The Abbasid campaign was led personally by the Caliph al-Mu'tasim (reigned 833–842), in retaliation to a virtually unopposed expedition launched by the Byzantine emperor Theophilos (r. 829–842) into the Caliphate's borderlands the previous year. ISSN, http://books.google.com/books?id=Nw84AAAAIAAJ, http://www.archive.org/details/ahistoryeastern00burygoog, http://books.google.com/books?id=YQ5DYgEACAAJ, http://books.google.com/books?id=OVyjQgAACAAJ, http://books.google.com/books?id=3oCI8BVxcB8C&pg=PA25#v=onepage&q&f=false, "Campaign of the Arabs in Asia Minor, 838", http://books.google.com/books?id=3TysAAAAIAAJ, http://books.google.com/books?id=jlTPAAAAMAAJ, http://books.google.com/books?id=bFh-ASmKksYC, The Amorium Excavations Project – 25 Years of Archaeology: 1987-2012, Articles incorporating text from Wikipedia. By 829, when the young emperor Theophilos ascended the Byzantine throne, the Byzantines and Arabs had been fighting sporadically for almost two centuries. He went to the Abbasid camp, leaving orders for his men in the breach to stand down until his return. The sack did not ultimately alter the balance of power, which was slowly shifting in Byzantium's favour, but it thoroughly discredited the theological doctrine of Iconoclasm, ardently supported by Theophilos. The conquest of Amorium was not only a major military disaster and a heavy personal blow for Theophilos, but also a traumatic event for the Byzantines, its impact resonating in later literature. Even during the phase of continuous Byzantine military expansion in the late 10th century, Byzantine military manuals mention armies of 25,000 as exceptionally large and fit to be led by the emperor in person. Amorion, ausgegrabene Gebäude in der Unterstadt.jpg 5,472 × 2,968; 4.78 MB. Amorium is an archaeological site in ancient Phrygia, part of central western Anatolia.It is located at the modern Turkish village of Hisarköy, near Emirdağ, Afyonkarahisar. As Warren Treadgold writes, "the outcome did not exactly prove that Iconoclasm was wrong ... but it did rob the iconoclasts for all time of their most persuasive argument to the undecided, that Iconoclasm won battles". Work also continued in the Lower City Church. Shop Amorium for handmade jewelry with trendy styles and timeless designs for everyday women. A detailed plan, color-coded for clarity, was drawn up and scrupulously checked on site. For a detailed survey, see Whittow 1996, pp. [47][48] The fall of Amorium inspired several legends and stories among the Byzantines, and can be traced in surviving literary works such as the Song of Armouris or the ballad Kastro tis Orias ("Castle of the Fair Maiden"). This had the added benefit of confirming the presence of a widespread and consistent destruction layer that should probably be associated with a major historical event, namely the siege and sack of Amorium in 838. [50][51], In reality, the military impact on Byzantium was limited: outside the garrison and population of Amorium itself, the Byzantine field army at Anzen seems to have suffered few casualties, and the revolt of the Khurramite corps was suppressed without bloodshed the next year and its soldiers reintegrated into the Byzantine army. The Arab chronicles record that Mu'tasim asked his advisors to name the "most inaccessible and strongest" Byzantine fortress, and they named Amorium, "where no Muslim has gone since the appearance of Islam. Babak fled to Armenia, but was betrayed to the Abbasids and died of torture. [43] After years of captivity and no hope of ransom, the rest were urged to convert to Islam. Sack of Amorium – Abbasids under Caliph al-Mu'tasim besiege and sack the city of Amorium 844 – Battle of Mauropotamos – Abbasid army defeats the Byzantines under Theoktistos 853 – Sack of Damietta – Byzantine fleet raids and captures the port of Damietta in Egypt [10][11] Theophilos's campaign was unable, however, to save Babak and his followers, who in late 837 were forced from their mountain strongholds by the general Afshin. At this time, Arab attacks resumed both in the east, where after almost twenty years of peace due to the Abbasid civil war Caliph al-Ma'mun (r. 813–833) launched several large-scale raids, and in the west, where the gradual Muslim conquest of Sicily was under way since 827. The two forces would link up at Ancyra, before marching jointly on Amorium. However, the work was uneven due to the soldiers' fear of the Byzantine catapults, and Mu'tasim had to order earth to be thrown over the skins to pave the surface up to the wall itself. Amorium was strongly fortified and garrisoned, but a traitor revealed a weak spot in the wall, where the Abbasids concentrated their attack, effecting a breach. Taking the direct route from Amorium to the Cilician Gates, both the caliph's army and its prisoners suffered in the march through the arid countryside of central Anatolia. When the young emperor, Theophilus (r. 829-842), heard about the sack of Amorium--his hometown, chosen by the caliph for that very reason, to make the sting hurt all the more--he fell ill and died three years later, aged 28, reportedly from sorrow. [22][23] Theophilos quickly began regrouping his forces and sent the general Theodore Krateros to Ancyra. 845: The 42 Martyrs of Amorium. Faced with intrigues at Constantinople and the rebellion of the large Khurramite contingent of his army, Theophilos was unable to aid the city. March 6 is the feast date of the 42 Martyrs of Amorium, the day in the year 845 when they submitted to the caliphate’s executioners in preference to conversion.. Umayyad invasions of Anatolia and Constantinople. At the same time, the Khurramites, gathered around Sinope, revolted and declared their reluctant commander Theophobos emperor. [32] The Byzantine defenders were gradually worn down by the constant assaults, and after about two weeks of siege (the date is variously interpreted as 12, 13 or 15 August by modern writers[33]) Aetios sent an embassy under the city's bishop, offering to surrender Amorium in exchange for safe passage of the inhabitants and garrison, but Mu'tasim refused. Later the Abbasid Caliphate responded by sending their troops into Anatolia again, sacking and marauding until they were eventually annihilated by the Byzantines in 863. [38][39], Among the captured Byzantine magnates of Amorium, the strategos Aetios was executed soon after his capture, perhaps, as the historian Warren Treadgold suggests, in retaliation to Theophilos's second letter to the caliph. *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Some captives were so exhausted that they could not move and were executed, whereupon others found the opportunity to escape. By way of comparison, the total nominal military forces available to Byzantium in the 9th century have been estimated at circa 100,000–120,000. Amorium was a city in Phrygia, Asia Minor which was founded in the Hellenistic period, flourished under the Byzantine Empire, and declined after the Arab sack of 838. March 6th, 2016 Headsman. He left his post which allowed the Arabs to take advantage, enter the city and capture it. According to Byzantine sources, the caliph had the city's name written on the shields and banners of his soldiers. When the young emperor, Theophilus (r. 829–842), heard about the sack of Amorium -- his hometown, chosen by the caliph for that very reason, to make the sting hurt all the more -- he fell ill and died three years later, aged 28, reportedly from sorrow. Iconoclasm was supposed to bring divine favour and assure military victory, but neither the army's weaknesses nor the reported treachery of Boiditzes could detract from the fact that this was "a humiliating disaster to match the worst defeats of any iconophile emperor" (Whittow), comparable in recent memory only to the crushing defeat suffered by Nikephoros I (r. 802–811) at Pliska. It was also the birthplace of Theophilos's father, Michael II the Amorian (r. 820–829), and perhaps of Theophilos himself. [15] The capital of the powerful Anatolic Theme, the city was strategically located at the western edge of the Anatolian plateau and controlled the main southern route followed by the Arab invasions. sack of amorium - Free download as Text File (.txt), PDF File (.pdf) or read online for free. The caliphal court was outraged by the brutality and brazenness of the raids: not only had the Byzantines acted in open collusion with the Khurramite rebels, but during the sack of Sozopetra—which some sources claim as Mu'tasim's own birthplaceb[›]—all male prisoners were executed and the rest sold into slavery, and some captive women were raped by Theophilos's Khurramites. [34] Taken by surprise, the Byzantines' resistance was sporadic: some soldiers barricaded themselves in a monastery and were burned to death, while Aetios with his officers sought refuge in a tower before being forced to surrender. There's a problem loading this menu right now. It is rich in Byzantine archaeology, especially for the period between the early ninth and the late eleventh centuries. [31] Another attack on the next day, led by Ashinas, failed due to the narrowness of the breach, and Mu'tasim eventually ordered more catapults brought forward to widen it. The next day Afshin with his troops attacked the breach, and Itakh on the day after. [53] Nevertheless, the defeat prompted Theophilos to undertake a major reorganization of his army, which included the establishment of new frontier commands and the dispersing of the Khurramite troops among the themes. Mu'tasim learned of Theophilos's departure from captives and tried to warn Afshin, but the emperor was faster and met Afshin's army in the Battle of Anzen on the plain of Dazimon on 22 July. His envoys, who arrived shortly before or during the first days of the siege, offered assurances that the atrocities at Sozopetra had been against the emperor's orders, and further promised to help rebuild the city, to return all Muslim prisoners, and to pay a tribute. Theophilos himself was soon forced to return to Constantinople, where rumours of his death at Anzen had led to plots to declare a new emperor. al-Mu'tasim (794-842) was the Caliph of the Abbasid Caliphate from 833 to 842, succeeding al-Ma'mun and preceding al-Wathiq. The caliph gathered an exceptionally large army, which he divided in two parts. Sack of Amorium year In Alberta landscapes , Buddhist philosophical concepts , Colour photography , Fotografia , FujiX100s , Landscape , Photography , Words of music on 2019/12/29 at 04:00 According to Buddha There was a problem loading your book clubs. Its ruins and höyük ('mound, tumulus') are located under and around the modern village of Hisarköy, 13 kilometers east of the district center, Emirdağ, Afyonkarahisar Province, Turkey. [12], With the Khurramite threat over, the caliph began marshalling his forces for a reprisal campaign against Byzantium. The Abbasid campaign was led personally by the Caliph al-Mu'tasim (reigned 833–842), in retaliation to a virtually unopposed expedition launched by the Byzantine emperor Theophilos (r. 829–842) into the Caliphate's borderlands the previous year. As Iconoclasm relied heavily on military success for its legitimization, the fall of Amorium contributed decisively to its abandonment shortly after Theophilos's death in 842. The Sack of Amorium by the Abbasid Caliphate in mid-August 838 was one of the major events in the long history of the Arab–Byzantine Wars.The Abbasid campaign was led personally by the Caliph al-Mu'tasim (r. 833–842), in retaliation to a virtually unopposed expedition launched by the Byzantine emperor Theophilos (r. 829–842) into the Caliphate's borderlands the previous year. He assembled a very large army,a[›] some 70,000 fighting men and 100,000 in total according to al-Tabari, and invaded Arab territory around the upper Euphrates almost unopposed. Please try again. To get the free app, enter your mobile phone number. as a parallel to Amorium, the likely birthplace of Theophilos, and as a deliberate attempt to balance and lessen the impact of the latter's fall. It also analyzes reviews to verify trustworthiness. Leaving a part of his army under a relative to watch the crossings of the Halys, Theophilos immediately departed with most of his army, some 40,000 men according to Michael the Syrian, to confront the smaller Arab force. It was situated on the Byzantine military road from Constantinople to Cilicia. Amorium: A Byzantine City in Anatolia - An Archaeological Guide (Homer Archaeological Guides) Chris Lightfoot, Mucahide Lightfoot. [9] While Theophilos returned home to celebrate a triumph and be acclaimed in the Hippodrome of Constantinople as the "incomparable champion", the refugees from Sozopetra began arriving at Mu'tasim's capital, Samarra. Most of the survivors were released after a truce in 841, but prominent officials were taken to the caliph's capital of Samarra and executed years later after refusing to convert to Islam, becoming known as the 42 Martyrs of Amorium. The Byzantines, some of whom were soldiers who had fled from Anzen, informed the Arabs of Afshin's victory, after which Malik allowed all of them to go free. [45], Excerpt from Abu Tammam's Ode on the Conquest of Amorium. A tower was pushed over the filled moat, but became stuck midway and it and the other siege engines had to be abandoned and burned. Ancyra was quickly rebuilt and reoccupied, as was Amorium itself, although it never recovered its former glory and the seat of the Anatolic theme was for a time transferred to Polybotus. Anxious to avoid an ambush and learn the emperor's whereabouts, Mu'tasim forbade Ashinas to advance too deeply into Cappadocia. The 42 Martyrs of Amorium (Greek: οἰ ἅγιοι μβ′ μάρτυρες τοῦ Ἀμορίου) were a group of Byzantine senior officials taken prisoner by the Abbasid Caliphate in the Sack of Amorium in 838 and executed in 845, after refusing to convert to Islam.They are commemorated by the Eastern Orthodox Church on March 6. [16] Due to its strategic importance, the city had been a frequent target of Arab attacks in the 7th and 8th centuries, and Mu'tasim's predecessor Ma'mun was said to be planning to attack the city when he died in 833. Sack of Amorium is a featured article; it (or a previous version of it) has been identified as one of the best articles produced by the Wikipedia community.Even so, if you can update or improve it, please do so. Sack of Amorium-Wikipedia The other Muslim states were not idle, however: in March, the Byzantines were hit by three successive raids in Anatolia, organized by the Abbasid commander Mu'nis al-Muzaffar, while in August, a large raid led by Thamal of Tarsus penetrated as far as Ancyra and Amorium and returned with prisoners worth 136,000 gold dinars. From there they were taken, probably towards the end of the century, and installed at al-Raqqah, where they remained until 964, when the Hamdanid ruler Sayf al-Dawla had them removed and incorporated in the Bab al-Qinnasrin gate in his capital Aleppo. [55], ^ a: The reported armies for both Theophilos' 837 expedition and Mu'tasim's retaliatory campaign are of unusual size. Amorion, Blick auf die Oberstadt.jpg 5,472 × 2,852; 4.77 MB. Later Byzantine historians attribute his death before the age of thirty to his sorrow over the impact of the city's loss, although this is most likely a legend. Mu'tasim targeted Amorium, a Byzantine city in western Asia Minor (modern Anatolia), because it was the birthplace of the ruling Byzantine dynasty and, at the time, one of Byzantium's largest and most important cities. Unable to add item to List. ( 英语 : Battle of Lalakaon ) Bathys Ryax ( 英语 : Battle of Bathys Ryax ) 西西里和南意大利. While Boiditzes parleyed with the caliph, the Arabs came closer to the breach, and at a signal charged and broke into the city. Bring your club to Amazon Book Clubs, start a new book club and invite your friends to join, or find a club that’s right for you for free. He sought to bolster his regime and support his religious policies by military success against the Abbasid Caliphate, the Empire's major antagonist. After allowing Theophilos's envoys to return to him with the news of Amorium's fall, Mu'tasim burned the city to the ground, with only the city walls surviving relatively intact. Amorium was a city in Phrygia, Asia Minor which was founded in the Hellenistic period, flourished under the Byzantine Empire, and declined after the Arab sack of 838.Its ruins are located near the village of Hisarköy, Turkey. The Byzantines then counter-attacked and sacked Damietta in Egypt. Ashinas crossed the Cilician Gates on 19 June, and the caliph himself with his main army set out on the march two days later. Sack of Amorium on Amazon.com. There was an error retrieving your Wish Lists. Excavations began in 1988 under the direction of Professor R. Martin Harrison from the University of Oxford with the intention of investigating the size and nature of the Byzantine city (sixth–eleventh century). Hymns. Mu'tasim set out with his army a day's march along the road in the direction of Dorylaion, but encountered no sign of a Byzantine attack. Its strategic location in central Asia Minor made the city a vital stronghold against the armies of the Arab Caliphate following the Muslim conquest of the Levant. A little over a year after Theophilos's death, on 11 March 843, a synod restored the veneration of icons, and iconoclasm was declared heretical. Despite initial success, the Byzantine army broke and scattered, while Theophilos with his guard were encircled and barely managed to break through and escape. The other Arab two forces arrived at Ancyra over the next days, and after plundering the deserted city, the united Arab army turned south towards Amorium. Although his generals advised evacuation of the city, with the intention of rendering the Arabs' campaign objective void and keeping the Byzantine army undivided, Theophilos decided to reinforce the city's garrison, with Aetios the strategos of the Anatolics, and men from the tagmata of the Excubitors and the Vigla. Discover elegant stackable rings, heart necklaces, rose gold ear … It is the eye and foundation of Christendom; among the Byzantines, it is more famous than Constantinople". The Byzantine chronicler Theophanes Continuatus mentions 70,000 dead, while the Arab al-Mas'udi records 30,000. Prime members enjoy FREE Delivery and exclusive access to music, movies, TV shows, original audio series, and Kindle books. Some scholars, like Bury and Treadgold, accept the figures of Tabari and Michael the Syrian as more or less accurate,[56] but other modern researchers are sceptical of such numbers, as medieval field armies were rarely more than 10,000 men strong, and both Byzantine and Arab military treatises and accounts suggest that armies usually numbered around 4,000–5,000. 101–103.^ b: The claim that Sozopetra or Arsamosata was Mu'tasim's native city is found only in Byzantine sources. [6], In 837, Theophilos decided—at the urging of the hard-pressed Babak—to take advantage of the Caliphate's preoccupation with the suppression of the Khurramite revolt and lead a major campaign against the frontier emirates. You're listening to a sample of the Audible audio edition. The Abbasids penetrated deep into Byzantine-held Asia Minor, while the northern army defeated the Byzantine forces under Theophilos at Anzen. Amorium was a city in Phrygia, Asia Minor which was founded in the Hellenistic period, flourished under the Byzantine Empire, and declined after the Arab sack of 838. The Sack of Amorium by the Abbasid Caliphate in mid-August 838 was one of the major events in the long history of the Arab–Byzantine Wars. Emperor Alexios I Komnenos defeated the Seljuks at Amorium in 1116, but the area was never recovered. Amorium is a multi-period site with occupation extending from the Early Bronze Age until Ottoman times. The Byzantines expected the Arab army to advance north to Ancyra after passing through the Cilician Gates and then to turn south toward Amorium, but it was also possible that the Arabs would march directly over the Cappadocian plain to Amorium. This article appeared on Wikipedia's Main Page as Today's featured article on August 20, 2013. al-Mu'tasim was born in 794 to Harun al-Rashid. Luckily for the Empire, Theophobos maintained a passive stance and made no move to confront Theophilos or join Mu'tasim. [46], "A victory in honour of which the gates of heaven open and earth comes forth in her new garments.O day of the battle of 'Ammūriya, (our) hopes have returned from you overflowing with honey-sweet milk;You have left the fortunes of the sons of Islam in the ascendant, and the polytheists and the abode of polytheism in decline. Take advantage, enter the city department you want to search in an Archaeological Guide ( Archaeological! Sinope, revolted and declared their reluctant commander Theophobos emperor a problem this..., our system considers things like how recent a review is and if the reviewer bought the item on.. Khurramite threat over, the rest were urged to convert to Islam never defined see the help.! 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