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naysa meaning in arabic

naysa meaning in arabic

Seeing as the human race invented the language, you think we would agree. All the other rules and regulations, which change with predictable regularity, every thirty seconds,don't meant a thing. Remember, place a comma before the word, but only when you are connecting two independent clauses. I'm taking a shower to clean up, and feel refreshed, before heading out. Furthermore, you know it’s true. In the phrase 'To my mother, Ayn Rand, and God,' the second comma is a serial comma, if and only if Ayn Rand is not my mother so that there are three separate persons in the list. Study the following examples to help you avoid the most common mistakes. The comma after and is a very hot question. We help brands stay relevant and gain visibility in search results. For example: Whether it comes before and or elsewhere in a sentence, following basic comma rules can make using this misunderstood punctuation mark a breeze. He went by DC for Danger Cat though. The gallery is situated in a home, namely the former residence of Andrew Carnegie. The first example does not require commas before and after the phrase, “including bears and rabbits.” The answer is C. The Oxford comma comes immediately before an "and" in a list. Either you do, or you don’t, right? It is, furthermore, out of my control. It can be. I have seen various books from 19th C or before which regularly include the comma after 'and' in a list. This issue is not limited to subordinate clauses beginning with “that”. When you use more than one adjective to modify a noun or pronoun, use commas to separate them. In other words, it can stand alone as a sentence. They may be removed from a sentence without altering its meaning. Another comma, placed after “ correctly,” sets the phrase completely apart from the rest of the sentence. One of the most frequent errors in comma usage is the placement of a comma after a coordinating conjunction. Commas can be confusing. G'morning! The comma (,) is very frequently used and very frequently used wrongly.In fact, the rules for using commas are really rather simple, though complicated by the fact that the comma … I can tell you the secret, but, of course, I will have to kill you. Others refer to it as a serial comma or Harvard comma. In very short sentences commas may be omitted even then. This punctuation sits immediately after the list’s next-to-last item, just before the and or the or. Different languages have different rules about how to use commas. Example 1: Manuel Picon, the former French President, visited the UK yesterday. If the question refers to commas in a list of things, the answer is no. It's incorrect in a simple list such as "apples, oranges and lemons", where many people feel the urge to use it; however, it is acceptable in a sentence such as "the accounts department have discovered the whereabouts of the missing thousand pounds and, unfortunately, we're going to have to fire you.". ü Where the clause before/after the name is not essential. People who don't use the serial comma wouldn't have any problem understanding "Dedicated to my parents, Ayn Rand and God" or "... ex-wives, Kris Kristofferson and Robert Duvall." While I was eating, the cat scratched at the door. So, does the comma come before or after but? This is when if you don’t use the comma, the meaning of the sentence changes. Cameron King-Black's note simply reinforces my point. The biggest mistake of this kind is putting a comma before the word ‘and’. So it would be better written as "I am heading to the station and, if necessary, I'll will call you. Let’s return to this sentence: Vegetables such as carrots and peppers are brightly colored.. After the ‘s’ Using an apostrophe after the ‘s’ seems less common, and that is likely because it only occurs when showing plural possession. Use the comma before the or because there is a complete sentence after it, or make it into two questions. Use a comma before and after, however, moreover, furthermore, and therefore. These break up the sentence to create emphasis or to show emotion or tone. The answer is B. Sometimes, you might want to include extra information within a sentence that isn’t essential to its meaning. Summary It is also a complete sentence and an independent clause even though it doesn’t have an object as in the first example. When a comma is used immediately before an and in a list, it’s called an Oxford comma. This is one of those tricky grey areas of grammar where some authorities believe a comma is outright wrong, others that it is allowable. Sign in to access your personalized homepage, follow authors and topics you love, and clap for stories that matter to you. But what about this: 'To my mother, Ayn Rand, and God.' When we take a closer look, we can see that the phrase, “Such as carrots and peppers,” is a restrictive clause, also called an essential clause. We can join the two clauses with a conjun… Sometimes we may see a comma before and(or another coordinating conjunction) that is appropriate for a reason unrelated to that conjunction. So, does the comma come before or after but? Preventing Confusion. After “mortgage loans,” does our list name one additional topic, “the use of debit and credit cards and the use of mutual funds and CDs”? A very short quotation may also be introduced without punctuation. These are always separated by commas. It makes you shoot at your landlord and it makes you miss him. Both are correct, as commas must be used after every clause, except the one that comes before ‘and’. If the items in the list are longer and more complicated, you should always place a final comma before the conjunction. That is, the addition information between the commas. To a large extent it is up the the writer to decide where s/he want the reader to pause. Comma before or after other words The same is true for the other conjunctions – and, or , if, etc. I am an award-winning author of nine novels, and I write what will read best and make sense with (horrors) no allegiance to the Chicago Manual of Style or any other grammatical bible. That comma is optional. Some say it is no longer to be used, but some say it is. With “and” and “or,” the same rules apply, as you’ll see in the following examples: With a comma (independent clause + independent clause): I want the cookies. Therefore, it is an essential phrase, meaning there is no comma before such as. For example, removing the middle part of the next sentence as written would not work with a comma before the "and". Belle Planet lives in Venus, New York, but she is thinking of moving to Mars. In the USA, it's usually called the Oxford comma and is mandated by the Chicago Manual of Style and several other style manuals or guides used in academic and book publishing. "the dog barked: the cat ran away." More Examples of Commas Before Conjunctions. Or if you’re using it in lists that require an Oxford comma. Rule #6: Use Commas to Set Off an Nonessential Element within a Sentence. This is when if you don’t use the comma, the meaning of … When should we use a comma before or after “instead”? The most famous example of the need for the serial comma is the apocryphal book dedication: "To my parents, Ayn Rand and God". Nevertheless, the style that seems to be recommended the most is to always include a comma before “etc.” ; it is recommended even by those who discourage the use of the Oxford comma (the comma before the last item in a list). Some modern writers are now dropping the comma, but I still like it because it indicates a pause. This question is easily answered. This simple string of words contains a subject, verb and object. I must admit that it does make me laugh to see people arguing over points like this. But anyone who uses a serial comma there is creating the ambiguity of which I complain. The answer is TRUE. We cannot say that the comma will always come before the conjunction and never after, but it would be a rare event, indeed, that we need to follow a coordinating conjunction with a comma. "I am heading to the station, and if neccessary, will I'll call you." ; Commas should be used before and when joining two independent clauses or when compiling a list. In fact, you use two commas. '... all he could do was love her through it and pray that it would be enough, while she waited for the mercies of time to lead her to acceptance, and, please God, to a measure of forgetfulness.'. In your sentence, for those of you who are unawareis a nonrestrictive phrase that adds a little bit of extra information noun phrase that you’ve already mentioned in your sentence.So there should be a comma before which and after the end of the phrase (as you have already done) Your usage is correct. If he asks me, I'll go there. Most trivially, I have always heard it called the Harvard comma, rather than the Oxford comma, but who cares; grammatically, it is called the serial comma. Let’s take a look at the following examples: The dress is expensive, but it is gorgeous. First, ask yourself whether the word but links two complete thoughts. It is perfectly fine to use a comma before and: as seen in, If you remove the part after work, the meaning of the sentence remains intact, albeit, without the extra info. When did this 'rule' first appear? Common starter words for introductory clauses that should be followed by a comma include after, although, as, because, if, since, when, while. I would take issue with Dave Null on a couple of points. "the dog barked; the cat ran away." A Comma before However It is common grammar mistake to use a comma before however when it is being used to merge two sentences into a compound sentence.For example: I hate potatoes, however, I like chips. Commas are almost always used to separate items in a list or series that contains three or more things. Punctuation was invented to clarify the meaning of text. Recently, I wrote in a novel (not due out this year), Commas should sometimes be placed before – and after – names and titles. People often get muddled about whether to place a comma before conjunctions like and, so, because, and or. While there are those who will say it is mandatory, it is a constant subject of debate that, I suspect, will never be resolved, though the trend now is in favor of using it. Commas and However This page is about whether to use a semicolon or a comma before however. 1. There is also a prescriptive rule in American English, commonly quoted as “‘which’ can only be used in non-essential clauses”, but the topic is rather complex, so I wrote more about it in a separate article . Many people think of commas as grammar's way of introducing a pause into a sentence. In a nutshell, we use commas to: Whew! It all depends on the context. Flawless spelling & grammar are just the beginning. Let’s start with the fact that unless a name or title is the last word(s) in a sentence, it can either be used with no commas at all, OR with a comma both before and after. When the quoted material flows directly from your introductory text, no punctuation should be used before the quotation. If a sentence begins with an introductory phrase or dependent clause, it should have a comma immediately after it. "They're inviting the strippers, JFK, and Stalin." "They're inviting the strippers, JFK and Stalin." Commas also separate countries from the city/state/province: By using our site you agree to our privacy policy. What’s ‘correct’ varies depending on the sense and composition of a sentence. If you use these words at the beginning of a sentence, put a comma after them. It’s an antique, but it’s selling for an extremely low price. Although it’s not technically incorrect to include it, you risk having a choppy sentence. The question was: You can separate adjectives with a comma only when the adjectives’ order is interchangeable. Krista heads up Marketing and Content Creation here at INK. However, the comma can be left out when the clauses connected by the conjunction are very short.The boys sang, and the girls danced.The comma is not exactly necessary in the example given above because the clauses are short. Mammals including bears and rabbits have fur. The Comma. All the best, and, in the meantime, I shall look forward to reading more amusing, and, let's hope, more brilliant answers. Identifying a Restrictive Clause. A writer may choose to place a comma before and(or any conjunction) when the conjunction launches such a phrase: 1. Rule 1. Means that the cat ran from the dog's barking. If, for example, the word 'and' precedes a clause beginning 'although', you usually put a comma after it and, if it precedes a conditional clause, you normally insert a comma as well. Commas should be used before and when joining two independent clauses or when compiling a list. The Associated Press (AP) Manual of Style and Usage, which is the style followed by most newspapers, many newsletters and many websites, is a less-formal style that doesn't use the serial comma (a, b and c) UNLESS one of the elements in the list is a compound (a, b and c, and d), although a lot of newspaper copy editors and proofreaders don't seem to remember that these days. Put a comma after one of those bad boys to separate it from a complete thought. ü While introducing a person. Certain grammatical situations require the use of a comma before and. As for the overall topic of punctuation and grammer is anyone else irritated more so by the incorrect use of the apostrophe? It must have both a subject and a verb. Before "and", you mean, and yes, even in a simple list it should be used in order to avoid confusion. Let’s face it. Take them out, and the meaning of your sentence doesn’t change. Should you put a comma before and is a question that requires a straightforward answer. Even though the Oxford Comma is named after the Oxford University Press (who still use it), most Brits do not use an Oxford Comma. First of all, the original question was whether it's correct to put a comma AFTER "and," while all the answers seem to be discussing commas that go before an "and." Let’s take a closer look at each of these rules. When giving a short and simple list of things in a sentence, the last comma (right before the conjunction–usually and or or) is optional, but it is never wrong. If you are ill, you ought to see a doctor. It’s typically needed when the conjunction and is joining two independent clauses. A comma is usually not necessary after “but” except when “but “is immediately followed by an interrupter, which is a word or phrase that interrupts a sentence to show emotion, tone, or emphasis. You’ll need to determine where to place your commas by following a few steps. Fowler calls the belief that it is unacceptable to place punctuation before "and", a "superstition". In the example above, the sentence is correctly punctuated with a comma before which. Second, using the serial comma - a comma before "and" or "or" in a series of three or more items (a, b, and c) - is a matter of style. If you use these adverbs for emphasis, it is quite easy. Because her alarm clock was broken, she was late for class. Unfortunately, the answer isn’t entirely so black and white. That comma is optional. Margie Wakeman Wells February 12, 2015 The Comma, Uncategorized 4 Comments When an attorney puts two questions (often unrelated) together with an or, you have two choices for punctuation. However, this next sentence would require a comma before the "and". Always use a comma before and after an interrupter. When should you use a comma? It can just as easily be read as Cameron reads it - one of a pair of commas of apposition or clarification, so as to mean that Ayn Rand is my mother. In fact, the Oxford comma is a hotly debated point in modern grammar, and ultimately, it comes down to a stylistic choice. Commas don't just signify pauses in a sentence — precise rules govern when to use this punctuation mark. The comma before a conjunction in a list is known as an an Oxford Comma or a serial comma. Drink is the curse of the land. * Trivial example - at the beginning of a sentence - no preceding comma: "Before I was a lawyer, I wrote software." Without it, however, the primary meaning of the sentence would remain intact. Well, more often than not, a comma does not come before this adverb, but it may come after it instead. There’s no definitive answer, because different style guides recommend different usage. Examples. , First AI web content optimization platform just for writers, When To Use Comma Before Such As: The Definitive Guide, Whether you’re using an Oxford (or serial) comma. As we see, the main places where commas are necessary before/after names are . The answer is B. A sentence can contain two independent clauses if they’re linked by a conjunction such as and, or, and but. If it is a list of three, leaving out the serial comma avoids the ambiguity altogether. Main Takeaways: A comma is a form of punctuation that indicates a pause in a sentence and separates items in a list. If you join them together with only a comma, they form a comma splice. • Commas or periods always precede closing quotation marks of quoted material.Two examples: (1) There are no "ifs," "ands," or "buts" about it. The fact that Michael Wolff pointed out in his post only proves that it is a very subjective issue. The comma is most often used just before namely: They brought lunch, namely sandwiches and soda. The dog is young, well trained and good natured. ; Commas can separate adjectives, offset nonessential phrases, and introduce direct quotations. A comma is a form of punctuation that indicates a pause in a sentence and separates items in a list. She is very noisy, but she’s also very smart. He wanted to talk to me because he owed me money. Example: My estate goes to my husband, son, daughter-in-law, and nephew. You may, therefore, continue with the project. Yes :) Comma placement is more art than science. I have always thought, without evidence, that the comma in a list of things is there to replace the missing 'and.' If the sentence is combining two independent clauses together then the comma should appear. Consider this sentence, for example:Without the serial comma, the individual series items are difficult to identify. Moreover, the managers agree. 2. ü Where the sentence is focussing on a particular person. The scene showed off his best qualities, namely his quick wit and perfect timing. When the comma comes after namely, there is usually also a dash: It can stand on its own without adding another word. Most entertaining. The answer is A. AP Stylebook recommends using Oxford comma only when necessary to preserve a sentence's meaning. While that may be true for how writers and speakers read commas, you can't simply throw a comma any place you pause in a sentence. Notice also that when a non-restrictive phrase comes in the middle of a sentence, it is set off by commas both before after the whole example phrase. If I had seen either phrase before it was published, though, I'd have suggested a rewrite. Things like “sadly”, “incidentally”, “currently”, “frankly”, “typically” can be sentence adverbs. Mammals, including dolphins and humans, are warm-blooded. I have seen various books from 19th C or before which regularly include the comma after 'and' in a list. Can mean that something else caused both the dog to bark and the cat to run. An independent clause can stand alone. We cannot say that the comma will always come before the conjunction and never after, but it would be a rare event, indeed, that we need to follow a coordinating conjunction with a comma. It is also an independent clause. If the order is reversed, a comma is usually used. If you add an and after the comma, the sentence becomes grammatically correct. According to The Chicago Manual of Style, commas and periods are almost always placed before a closing quotation mark, “like this,” rather than after, “like this”. Or "could of" instead of "could have". The comma before such as is correct because the phrase is a nonessential clause. Use a comma after the final word of the first clause, before “and.”. It makes no difference to that meaning whether one writes 'A panda eats, shoots and leaves' or 'A panda eats, shoots, and leaves.'. However, it is possible.If one or both of the clauses connected by a conjunction contains a comma, we sometimes use a semicolon instead of a comma. Whenever you use it after a coordinating … In general terms, a comma falls under the category of a punctuation mark. Commas can be used to set apart phrases that interrupt the flow of a sentence. You can, however, proceed with the corrections. There are some rare exceptions though, where the ‘Oxford comma’ must be used. Sarah told him again, and really meant it this time, to turn off the television. Every country has its own laws just as it has its own rules on punctuation. It’s often used to indicate a pause in a sentence or to separate items in a list. Unfortunately, in the English language, there’s no simple answer to this question. The answer is D. Commas should be used when joining two independent clauses, compiling a list, or introducing direct quotations. My work background includes conservation work, such as prairie restoration and controlled burns. His point is that, if you add the serial comma, it becomes clear that Ayn Rand and God are not meant to be the author's parents. For example “What the king dreams,” [Ned] said, “the Hand builds.” “Bran,” [Jon] said, “I’m sorry I didn’t come before.” When to Skip the Comma. “Four writers’ computers” or “Two girls’ dresses.” The key is to make the noun of the sentence a plural first, and then use the apostrophe immediately after. Unfortunately, in the English language, there’s no simple answer to this question. A coordinating conjunction that merges two clauses into one is usually preceded by a comma. It seems Britain and America are two countries separated by a comma. He has changed his view on a lot of things since reading the book. When creating a list of three or more simple words, items, or concepts, use a comma to separate each word or word group. More specifically, some lists contain a comma that’s known as the Oxford comma. However, we still have hope. 1. In the above sentence, “since” comes after the main clause, so there is no need for a comma before it. Nevertheless, the style that seems to be recommended the most is to always include a comma before “etc.” ; it is recommended even by those who discourage the use of the Oxford comma (the comma before the last item in a list). The Oxford comma reduces ambiguity in lists. Should I use a comma before and after an appositive? Unfortunately for William Dunlap's otherwise excellent answer, none of the commas in his Ayn Rand example is either a serial, a Harvard or an Oxford comma. ; Oxford commas are also known as serial or Harvard commas. They’re also important. Oxford, Harvard, or, grammatically, the serial comma is mandatory in US english; but in UK english it is optional. If you're using the comma as one of a pair surrounding a subordinate clause then it would be correct. Simply look at the sentence in question and decide whether or not the sentence would still flow without the middle section. The dog is young, well trained, and good natured. For example: for, and, so, and or are all conjunctions. There is also a prescriptive rule in American English, commonly quoted as “‘which’ can only be used in non-essential clauses”, but the topic is rather complex, so I wrote more about it in a separate article . Personally, I think that the serial comma causes as many problems as it solves. One of the most frequent errors in comma usage is the placement of a comma after a coordinating conjunction. In sentence 1, thereby follows the comma; however in sentence 2, there is a coordinating conjunction before thereby. A comma is usuallynot used if a subordinate clause follows the main clause. We could ar… Some people put the comma before the "and" while others leave it out, but it definitely does not go after. If a sentence contains nonessential words, phrases, or clauses, use commas to set them apart. A comma would be necessary when we use instead as an introductory adverb at the beginning of the sentence. This brief guide will shed light on the age-old question of whether to use a comma before the word and. (Without the conjunction, two independent clauses typically form a run-on sentence). If, for example, the word 'and' precedes a clause beginning 'although', you usually put a comma after it and, if it precedes a conditional clause, you normally insert a comma as well. "the dog barked, and the cat ran away." Use a comma after verbs of communication introducing a quotation and between split quotations. Below, you’ll find examples of two sentences with similar syntax; however, one sentence requires a comma and one doesn’t. 1. Read more about commas in lists. More importantly, you can make it clear that you enjoy cooking, your friends, and cats. Commas indicate a pause in a sentence. In UK English, it is optional, which leads to such confusion as "Eats shoots and leaves". You can safely delete it if you want without losing the context. Lastly, this is not what causes the problem with 'eats shoots and leaves.' I'll go there if he asks me. There’s no definitive answer, because different style guides recommend different usage. When to use a comma before and in a sentence depends on several factors: The answer to that depends on how you’re using the word and. Discover the comma rule for whether you should place the comma before but or after but, and review examples of the rule from real sentences. Commas are needed before coordinating conjunctions, after dependent clauses (when they precede independent clauses), and to set off appositives. A rewrite using this misunderstood punctuation mark a breeze strong connection, then the comma be! More sense to use this punctuation sits immediately after the state name place! Term of endearment leave it out, and feel refreshed, before “ and. ” actually. Emotion or tone and. ” should you put a comma after the comma should be used joining. Take issue with Dave Null observed, in other languages sentence continues after the comma before as... Things is there to replace the missing 'and. this punctuation enable the reader to gain if the sentence younger! Words without either of them would simply be wrong ll need to commit a couple of points an... 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