04 dez construction project management journals
Tools are in bad condition with no regular inspection. The main results came from international construction companied based in Qatar, the USA, Japan, Turkey, and Jordan. Hazard identification and quantification of their impacts on building safety are crucial for planning. NOVA PUBLISHERS NEWSLETTER Traditional risk analysis methods are not efficient to analyze nonlinear or complex systems such as construction sites [6]. This is also considered as a latent or causing hazard of many hazards related to using PPE such as the âfailure to use required PPE (fall arrest systems) and safety nets,â which ranked 4th in FAII. Dr. David G. Carmichael, University of New South Wales, Australia Dr. An online website tool (SurveyMonkey) was employed in developing, distributing the questionnaire, and collecting responses. Title of series. This is related to the organization safety management at the planning phase of the project. The construction industry is considered risky as labor and machinery intense environment interacts with accelerating and overlapping activities. It is understood that articles submitted to the journal have not been submitted elsewhere for simultaneous publication consideration and have not been previously published, in whole or in part, unless the new article is an expansion of the original, in which case full transparency of the re-used portions must be provided. Books Scale definition for the importance and frequency levels for each hazard. Similarly, cluster weights were calculated for all main categories. A., Author, B. However, the formula is not considering that some of the hazards can be not applicable in some construction sites due to the type of construction. Dr. Zeeshan Aziz, University of Illinois, USA These services include Open Access, color printing, article offprints, discounted print copies of the journal issue, and licenses for use of the published articles. It shows the calculation of an SPI for a random construction site. It aims to advance the science of construction engineering, harmonize construction practices with design theories, and further education and research in construction … Domínguez, G. and Alfonso, L. (2007). In contrast, project management is orientated towards planning and control. Project Management Journal® is the academic and research journal of the Project Management Institute® and features state-of-the-art research, techniques, theories, and applications in project management. It is concerned with on-time delivery, within-budget expenditures and ... of project management, bearing in mind that good project management can contribute towards project success but is unlikely to be … We are committed to sharing findings related to COVID-19 as quickly as possible. 4) Statement of Human Rights It is essential that all participants (or guardians) give their written informed consent to participate in the study and its subsequent publication. The ANP came as a generalized form of the AHP as many decision problems cannot be dealt with as a linear hierarchy structure. City, ST: Publisher. B. Dr. Ali M. Alyami, The General Admin. The top three hazards according to FAII were (1) insufficient safety training, (2) negative management attitude to safety, and (3) insufficient safety motivation and incentives. Dr. Stephen Simister, University of Reading, UK Hazards of a certain nature and under a certain category can have obvious influence and can develop other risks in a different category. Title of journal, volume number, first page-last page. Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience, http://www.dir.ca.gov/dosh/dosh_publications/constguideonline.pdf, Insufficient working spaces/wrong site layout/no access/no lights, No housekeeping (scattered garbage and material, dusts, excessive noise, vibration, etc. Deplorable safety management practices are damaging the reputation of the construction sector [1]. The journal aims at the following themes (but not limited to): 3D Printing and Additive Manufacturing ; Agile Manufacturing ; Automation and Robotics ; Big Data, Artificial Intelligence, and Deep Learning ; Building Information Modelling (BIM) CAD/CAM … • Author, A. The 42 hazards will be used to measure safety performance in construction sites. How much do they make? first page-last page). This calculation helps the construction team to take action against each category: 42 hazards in 14 categories were identified and offered in a survey after reviewing the literature. ), Failure to provide safe access against slipping, sliding, or falling, Lack of fire extinguishing training, escape plans, and drills, Failure in controlling of ignition sources and fire watches, fire blankets, etc, Fire extinguishers are not enough, not in proper locations, not accessible, and not regularly maintained, Failure in storage of flammable liquids and combustible materials, Wrong procedures (with slab, timber, trench, boxes, shoring, lining, etc. Delays have been frequently reported as the cause of several conflicts that affect the different parties involved in construction projects. Dr. Hemanta K. Doloi, University of Melbourne, Australia Dr. Geoffrey Qiping Shen, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong Plagiarized articles already accepted for publication will be cancelled, and plagiarized articles that have already been published will be retracted and denounced in a public erratum. However, focusing on solving the apparent hazards in a reactive way would not improve safety performance and will keep such hazards repeating as long as construction is ongoing. Figure 2 illustrates the proposed ANP model. The application of BIM is currently experiencing rapid growth in construction operations and planning and management, as well as in safety management [4]. In the final article sharing his experiences on tier 1 construction projects, the author examines the closeout process before relating the management and technical challenges project managers face on these projects. A. Business and Management … – Terms of Service The first step in evaluating the safety performance of a construction site is to identify the hazards, evaluate their priorities and effect, and take adequate measures to avoid such hazards. Title of book: Vol. Special Issue Information. Peer-Review B. The same may be done with their final published articles only after a period of one year has elapsed from the day of publication. We publish over 1,500 new titles per year by leading researchers each year, and have a network of expert authors, editors and advisors spanning the global academic community in pursuit of advanced research developments. Journal of Financial Management of Property and Construction, 20(2), 132-146. In E. E. Editor, & F. F. Editor (Eds. There is a gap in the literature to study the interconnections of these hazards along with their frequency of occurrences. It is the authors’ responsibility to secure permission for the use of copyrighted material. However, evaluating the priorities of the hazards is a complex issue as many of these hazards are interrelated to each other. This study could be extended further by developing a practical tool to measure the safety performance index and conducting case studies on comparison of the safety performance index in construction projects. In this study, an extensive literature review on topics related to safety hazards in construction projects was conducted. There is a growing body of the literature on assessing perceptions of safety climate [10]. City, Country: Publisher. Dr. Sadi Assaf, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals, Saudi Arabia We will be providing unlimited waivers of publication charges for accepted research articles as well as case reports and case series related to COVID-19. This proactive attitude will help make safety as a culture at the construction sites. The ANP ranking gave a close ranking similar to FAII where the top three hazards were (1) lack of companyâs safety policy, (2) insufficient safety training, and (3) failure in enforcing, motivating, and training workers to use PPE. Identifying hazards and quantifying their impacts on construction safety are crucial for planning, budgeting, and management purposes. Zhou et al. Potential conflicts could be financial relationships, employment, sponsorships, public holdings, competing interests, spousal interests, personal relationships, personal beliefs, etc. Dr. Adnan Enshassi, Islamic University Gaza, Palestinian Authority Headquarters: The main contribution of this work to existing knowledge is to identify and prioritize potential risks in the construction sector, considering their interconnections and their level of occurrence frequency. A ranking analysis was applied between respondents based on their organization type, job designation, industry type, total construction experience, and size of their companies. Failure in enforcing, motivating, and training workers to use them. They mainly are construction engineers, managers, safety supervisions, design engineers, consultants, and owners. ), Failure to apply access limit, lockout-tagout, permit system, and signage systems, Lack of inspection for the electric tools, cables, and equipment, Tools are in bad condition with no regular inspection, Use or operation by untrained and unauthorized operators (lack of training system), Working at height and protection against falling, Failure to place adequate barriers and warning signs for open edges and holes, Falling of hand tools and other materials, Failure to use required PPE (fall arrest systems) and safety nets. What is the impact of âuse of weak and deformed formsâ on safety performance? Murat Gunduz, Basil K. Khader, "Construction Project Safety Performance Management Using Analytic Network Process (ANP) as a Multicriteria Decision-Making (MCDM) Tool", Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience, vol. Contractors are the largest portion of respondents with 58 responses (54.7%). The ranked hazards are presented and proper recommendations were made to industry professionals based on the research outputs. In order to establish transparency in research, authors should be sure to provide information on the following items. Size: 7 x 10, Single column. If previously published figures are used, written permission from the copyright holders must be obtained and submitted along with the text indicating the copyright holder’s citation instructions. One of the objectives of this paper is to get the perceptions of the construction professionals about the major safety hazards in construction projects. The same table is showing the safety index of each main category. The other advantage of the ANP is the network connecting the clusters and its elements together. International Journal of Construction Engineering and Management is a peer-reviewed international journal which offers wide ranging and comprehensive coverage of all facets of construction engineering and project management. City, Country: Publisher. From Table 3, it was seen that the top 5 ranked safety hazards based on ANP results are (1) lack of companyâs safety policy, (2) insufficient safety training, (3) failure in enforcing, motivating, and training workers to use PPE, (4) no housekeeping (scattered garbage and material, dusts, excessive noise, vibration, etc. 4) A statement of human rights for all studies that involve human participants; Dr. Thoe C. Haupt, Cape Peninsula University of Technology, South Africa A. Gambatese, âDevelopment and initial validation of sustainable construction safety and health rating system,â, C. Sooyoung and L. Fernanda, âConstruction safety planning: site-specific temporal and spatial information integration,â, A. R. Abdul Hamid, M. Z. Abd Majid, and B. Singh, âCauses of accidents at construction sites,â, S. Aminbakhsh, M. Gunduz, and R. Sonmez, âSafety risk assessment using analytic hierarchy process (AHP) during planning and budgeting of construction projects,â, M. Gunduz and H. Laitinen, âA 10-step safety management framework for construction small and medium-sized enterprises,â, M. Gunduz, M. Talat Birgonul, and M. Ozdemir, âDevelopment of a safety performance index assessment tool by using a fuzzy structural equation model for construction sites,â, C. M. Tam, S. X. Zeng, and Z. M. Deng, âIdentifying elements of poor construction safety management in China,â, M. Gunduz and H. Laitinen, âObservation based safety performance indexing method for construction industryâvalidation with SMEs,â, H. Laitinen, M. Vuorinen, A. Simola, and E. Yrjänheikki, âObservation-based proactive OHS outcome indicatorsâvalidity of the elmeri+ method,â, M. Gunduz and B. Ahsan, âConstruction safety factors assessment through frequency adjusted importance index,â, D. Jescovitch, âSafety tips for weld prep in pipe fabrication,â. The questionnaire helped identify the most significant safety hazards in the construction industry. The questionnaire link was sent out by emails or via professional networks worldwide. II: predicting safety outcomes using generalized linear models,â, O. Next sections will introduce the methodology on frequency-adjusted importance index, ANP, and the data analysis parts. Dr. Low Sui Pheng, National University of Singapore, Singapore These hazards will be used for calculating SPI (safety performance index), which then can be used to measure safety performance in construction sites, compare sites together, and benchmarking. 2) Potential Conflicts of Interest Dr. Claudio Benghi, Faithful + Gould Inc., UK City, ST: Publisher. 2020, Article ID 2610306, 11 pages, 2020. https://doi.org/10.1155/2020/2610306 Dr. Young Hoon Kwak, George Washington University, USA Project Time Management (PTM) includes a number of planning and controlling processes that are recommended for complying with requirements related to project time. Dr. Mohammad A. Hassanain, King Fahd Univ. Title of book. Therefore, the recommendation to construction industry leadership is to focus on safety policies and management commitment to safety when selecting their stakeholders of consultants and contractors. High number of accidents and fatalities lead to additional cost and delay on all stakeholders including public agencies, project owners, development companies, consultants, and construction companies. Statement It is important that all authors and organizations where the research has been carried out have consented to the work’s submission and that all authors have significantly contributed. B., & Author, C. C. (1996). Statement Title of book: Subtitle of book (edition, pp. Such permissions must grant unrestricted use. Title of journal article: Subtitle of journal article. • Author, A. project management during construction, after the scope of work is fully defined, the budget is fixed, and the completion date is firm. Dr. Jun Ying Liu, Tianjin University, China © 2004 - 2020 Nova Science Publishers | All Rights Reserved. Compliance will be given a weight of 100% and noncompliance will be 0%. of Civil Engineering, Qatar University, Po Box: 2713, Doha, Qatar. Dr. Joanna Poon, Nottingham Trent University, UK The red and black arrows represent the interdependences, which is the nonlinear part of the model. 106 respondents assessed the 42 hazards based on impact (the hazard impact on safety performance in construction projects) and frequency (how often the hazard is likely to happen). ), Insufficient food, drinking water, toilets, rest shelters, and medical facilities, Insufficient safety motivation and incentives, Lack of proper planning and workforce for storage, Unsafe storage/stacking of materials and exceeding safe loading limits, Failure in handling, inspection, and maintenance of equipment (cylinders, machines, hoses, and cables), Lack of special PPE (personal protective equipment), such as face shield, special gloves, and goggles for welding/cutting, Welders without training, license, and certificates, Failure to perform form works under the supervision of a competent person, Unavailability of a safe lift plan on-site, Lack of licensed trained riggers and operators, Lack of safe working load indicator/inspection stickers/latches/barricades, Unsafe installation of the temporary power (old, damaged, and wrong rating of panels, sockets, wires, etc. Dr. Sai On Cheung, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong International Scientific Journal & Country Ranking. The safety policy is a strong evidence of commitment toward safety and the methods to implement safety procedures on-site. Dr. Michael Okoroh, University of Derby, UK A. that some hazards are not applicable. ... Nevada and Colorado is now Construction Journal. Your current login information will not change. Dr. Kerry London, University of Newcastle, Australia Dr. Larry Rosia, Saskatchewan Institute of Applied Science and Technology, Canada Each categoryâs SPI index was calculated by the formula below. 1. In E. E. Editor, F. F. Unsafe access to high places by damaged ladders, lifts, etc. Electronic Media There is a gap in the literature to study the interconnections of these hazards along with the frequency of occurrences. The complexity is due to the existence of interdependencies between hazards from or across different categories. Hence, it cannot be dealt as independent criteria. These codes and guidelines are valuable instructions that ensure transparency and fairness in research and publishing. [9] assessed high-risk hydropower-construction project work system hazards by the analytic network process (ANP) and decision-making trial and evaluation laboratory (DEMATEL). The journal is owned and operated by Nova Science Publishers and funded entirely by subscription revenue and author-optional publication services. Papers will be reviewed by our unique system of double-blind review. Download Construction Project Management Book PDF by S. Keoki & Glenn A. Sears & others By Saad Iqbal. If a study involves human participants, authors should include a statement that the study was conducted in accordance with the 1964 Declaration of Helsinki and its subsequent amendments. H. Laitinen, M. Marjamäki, and K. Päivärinta, âThe validity of the TR safety observation method on building construction,â, Y. Fang and Y. K. Cho, âEffectiveness analysis from a cognitive perspective for a real-time safety assistance system for mobile crane lifting operations,â, G. Raviv, A. Shapira, and B. Fishbain, âAHP-based analysis of the risk potential of safety incidents: case study of cranes in the construction industry,â, T. S. Abdelhamid and J. G. Everett, âIdentifying root causes of construction accidents,â, I. Awolusi, E. Marks, and M. Hallowell, âWearable technology for personalized construction safety monitoring and trending: review of applicable devices,â, C. Zhou and L. Y. Ding, âSafety barrier warning system for underground construction sites using internet-of-things technologies,â, K. Kim, Y. Cho, and S. Zhang, âIntegrating work sequences and temporary structures into safety planning: automated scaffolding-related safety hazard identification and prevention in BIM,â, J. C. Rubio-Romero, M. Carmen Rubio Gámez, and J. The past studies usually study one type of construction without considering their frequency of occurrence on the construction site. of Science & Technology, S. Korea If you notice any ethical misconduct in Nova’s publications, please contact us. The weight of the cluster is determined by the weights of its components, which are the nodes (in this case âhazardsâ). Publication Ethics • Biographical details of each author along with a photo. • Article text with headings but no more than two levels of subheadings. Authors should be eager to help us maintain these standards. The final general formula will bewhere Ln is the normalized limiting vector and E is site evaluation of each hazard (0â100%) measured by safety expert. Similarly, hazards in a certain category can influence hazards under the same category. These projects involve a great deal of time and expense; so close management control is required if they are to be completed within the established time and cost … The steps to implement ANP model can be seen in Figure 3. Dear Colleagues, It is known that there are considerable differences in the principles and methods between project and program management. A total number of 106 completed surveys was received from the respondents worldwide. A frequency-adjusted importance index analysis was carried out in this paper as a first stage by ranking the hazards. (Year of Publication). The safety index is found to be 83.7%. We invite you to browse our site to find the books or journals of particular interest to you. The ANP tool reflected the interdependencies between the safety hazards. Dr. Zulkiflee Abdul Samad, University of Malaya, Malaysia Dr. Abdolhamid (Hamid) Ghanbari, Homeowner Protection Office, Canada (1996). Dr. Karen Manley, Queensland University of Technology, Australia ), Title of book: Subtitle of book (edition, pp. The appropriate statements are provided below. The data used to support the findings of this study are available from the corresponding author upon request. Chan, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong There is no charge to submit your article and have it published in the journal. B. In such problems, ANP would be a very powerful alternative to AHP and other methods. Lavagnon A. Ika; Pages: 6-19; First Published: 12 October 2009; Abstract; Full text; PDF; References; Request permissions; Success criteria and factors for international development projects: A life‐cycle‐based framework. City: Publisher. This section should immediately precede the References section. Statement Construction Project Cost Management Process From the standard perspective PMBOK, cost management consists of four arguments that are hierarchically associated with each other that include resource planning, cost estimating, cost budgeting and cost control (Project Management Institute, 2004). Title of chapter. To access academic journals, click here. • Author, A. In order to calculate the FAII, both the relative importance index (RII) and the frequency index (FI) are required. This study was conducted in accordance with the 1964 Declaration of Helsinki and its subsequent amendments. 415 Oser Avenue, Suite N These should be titled, numbered in Arabic numerals with captions, and each on a separate sheet. It can be concluded from Table 3 that the hazards, which is considered most significant, is the âlack of companyâs safety policyâ (ANP rank 1). The survey aimed to investigate perceptions of the respondents on safety hazards attributes in the construction industry. The paper addresses the context in which the construction industry is considered risky, as the intense labor and machine environment interacts with acceleration and overlapping activities. Moreover, hardcopies were also distributed to authorsâ networks. Dr. Paul W. Chan, University of Manchester, UK Dr. Paul Stephenson, Sheffield Hallam University, UK Illustrations Title of electronic text [E-text type]. The Journal of Construction Project Management and Innovation covers the following topics, although it is not limited to these:Construction project management; Project management; Design and construction management processes; Housing and infrastructure development; Stakeholder management; Project planning and project impact assessments; Design and implementation of labour-intensive projects; … Safety hazards ranking is a complex process as these hazards are interconnected. After literature review, 42 hazards in 14 categories were identified. Frequency: 2 x per year The average value of the hazard weight in FAII was already calculated for the main category. Few studies in the literature adopted the use of ANP to rank hazards. Nova Science Publishers, Inc. • Manuscripts should include at least three keywords after the Abstract. Please use patterning instead of colors for all graphs and charts when possible. I would like to receive emails from Nova Science Publishers. Dr. Jian Zuo, University of South Australia, Australia. Hauppauge, NY, 11788 USA, – Shipping and Returns ConstructionReports.com Customers You can expect the same great service plus all the benefits and resources Construction Journal has to offer. The main contribution of this paper to the existing knowledge is to identify and prioritize potential hazards in the construction sector by considering their interconnections along with their frequency level of occurrences. Based on the identified safety hazards, a questionnaire was prepared and distributed among the construction professionals. Publisher’s Office The Project Management Journal®'s mission is to shape thinking on the need for and impact of managing projects by publishing cutting-edge research that advances theory and … A., & Author, B. Dr. Saad Al-Jibouri, University of Twente, The Netherlands Committee on Publication Ethics Each of these cases consists of three parts: input, processing and output and the output of … B. Title of journal, volume Access to various open source project management-related publications around the world, including Construction Manager (UK), Journal of Construction Engineering and Project Management (Korea), Project Management Review (China), ... Journal of African Business, Project Management Journal and many others. Navigate this Journal About Previous issues Volumes & Issues. The wellbeing of human subjects takes precedence over the interests of science. Readers are entitled to this information and to their own conclusions and perceptions of conflict. Participants involved in infrastructure and oil and gas construction projects hold the significant portion of participants with 28% and 23% of responses, respectively. Dr. Soren Wandahl, Aalborg University, Denmark 2016-2019) to peer-reviewed documents (articles, reviews, conference papers, data papers and book chapters) published in the same four calendar years, divided by the number of these … Steps one and two are presented in Figure 2. • Illustrations and Tables. first page-last page). E-mail: nova.main@novapublishers.com. The journal will investigate all reports and suspicions of plagiarism. Journal description. A peer-reviewed journal that reports on advances in the science of construction engineering. This technique considers both the importance and the frequency. [8] assessed metro construction safety risk by the use of ANP-grey clustering method. The ANP was selected as it is a powerful multicriteria decision-making technique for complex problems. • Author, A. The journal is owned and operated by Nova Science Publishers and funded entirely by subscription revenue and author-optional publication services. Examples of acceptable forms of reference lists at the end of the chapter are given below: Articles in Journals Editor-in-Chief: Faisal M. Arain This situation would result in high number of accidents and fatalities. The first 6 are related to the respondentsâ location, organization type and size, construction type, job designation, and total years of experience. 2020, Article ID 2610306, 11 pages, 2020. https://doi.org/10.1155/2020/2610306, 1Dept. • Manuscripts must begin with an Abstract of 100 words or less, written in English, that outlines the purpose, scope, and conclusions. Table of contents for Project Management Journal, 51, 6, Dec 01, 2020 Dr. Baabak Ashuri, Georgia Institute of Technology, USA Project success as a topic in project management journals. ), Title of book (pp. 1) Information regarding the source(s) of the work’s funding; In this study, it has been proved that safety experts shall focus their attention to the root cause of the hazards, that is, the latent hazards, which actually drive the accidents and injuries. Dr. David Edwards, Loughborough University, UK font, double spaced, single column. – Privacy Notice. (1996). The fourth step is to do pairwise comparison at the cluster level to develop the cluster matrix. Please provide the names of all funding agencies, research grants, and grant numbers. Dr. Ron Wakefield, RMIT University, Australia, Dr. Ajibade Ayodeji Aibinu, University of Melbourne, Australia This hazard ranked the first in FAII, and to which most of the accident in construction is referred. An in-depth understanding of these differences and their systematic application will … A. Jannadi and M. S. Bu-Khamsin, âSafety factors considered by industrial contractors in Saudi Arabia,â, A. N. Kheni, A. G. F. Gibb, and A. R. J. Dainty, âThe management of construction site health and safety by small and medium-sized construction businesses in developing countries: a Ghana case study,â in, S. Rajendran and J. Are ignored, and to which most of the construction industry is considered risky as labor and machinery environment. All instances of authorized use, full credit to and representation of the hazard weight in,... Edge innovative research that significantly advances the field of project management is orientated towards planning control. Basil K. Khader of field construction projects main category to provide information on the research outputs words less... 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