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seeing blue after meditation

seeing blue after meditation

In the beginning, this light will come and go. Crown chakra – deep purple (or white) So, sometimes seeing colours means you’re opening up your chakras and tapping into the data that they hold about you and your life. I have been seeing an all white one and blue and white, so has she. Third eye chakra – indigo. However, there is near universal agreement on this point. Third Eye is Universal. I do feel like I am reaching a point of clarity in my life at the same time that these colors arrived. You will draw in beings that are in alignment with your vibration. I believe, your meditation has obviously improved after your seven years of exercise. Some Buddhist meditation techniques require you to visualize a holy light. In order to start a new session, please click on the blue icon to open up the timer form and set the amount of time for walking and sitting you want to spend. Zen meditation guides usually encourage practitioners to ignore meditation visions if … Then one day while driving his car through an intersection, he met with a bad accident because he thought even the red light was green. Entopic phenomenon: This can happen to anyone at any time. During meditation, the colour of lights that you see varies according to the Tattva that flows through the nostrils. If Apas-Tattva (water) prevails, you will see white-coloured lights. The color blue represents … This article seems informative. http://www.allaboutvision.com/conditions/spotsfloats.htm If after reading this you still feel concerned take steps... Sometimes, during meditation, you will see an infinite blue sky, ethereal space. Yellow or gold guides you towards the solar plexus chakra. ... One of the remarkable developments in meditation is that even if we take to meditation without any desire to practice these related disciplines, after a while we will be drawn to them. Immediate and clear. I recently started getting into meditation and I've been meditating for 5 minutes a day. According to color psychology : Blue is described as a favorite color by many people and is the color most preferred by men. As an example, blue visions indicate the healing of the throat chakra. The yoga texts say that the Blue Pearl is the heart seed. When we see this tiny blue light in meditation, we should understand that we are seeing the form of the inner Self. Psychic visions is also called clairvoyance, so many of you may known that term. Notice your breath, in silence. It is pure truth, that can help you connect to your higher-self, your spiritual guides, and other information sources. After you have chosen your crystal, you are ready for your meditation. You'll also notice that these specks never seem to stay still when you try to focus on them. Floaters and spots move when your eye moves, creating... If Apas-Tattva (water) prevails, you will see white-coloured lights. In other traditions, certain colors are a sign of healing. a.k.a. – Swami Muktananda Went from a basketball size to now a … This tint of green-overall not blotches, has happened before in the past a few times. Bright white or gold points to the crown chakra. More of just a blur of purple that fades in and out. Recently, as I was beginning my meditation, I realized that I was looking at the image of a praying mantis. [The Blue Pearl] is tiny, but it contains all the different planes of existence. After doing some research today, I have discovered that i believe i entered the theta state for a few minutes. It has to do with an energy that is connecting to you. Seeing visions during meditation and acting on them is like setting your sights on a mirage in the desert in hopes of finding a pool of water there. Seeing Blue and White Light in Meditation. I have done it for a few minutes here and there, not very often at all. The colors you are seeing while meditating are going to correspond with your chakra system (energy centers in the body). They believe the light that shines through the rainbow wakes their soul up to the spiritual realm. Seeing Colors in Meditation or Colors When You Close Your Eyes To Meditate? Whether you’re here because you want to explore why you’re seeing a vortex while meditating, or you want to learn more about meditation. Sometimes you'll start a meditation sitting upright with an erect spine and … “Seeing everything with a blue tint can be caused by Viagra and related medications that increase high amounts of nitric oxide. Master Choa Kok Sui, Om Mani Padme Hum: The Blue Pearl in the Golden Lotus, p. 55 “(…) the Blue Pearl [is] the subtlest covering of the individual soul…. It is pure truth, that can help you connect to your higher-self, your spiritual guides, and other information sources. (Depending on the colours that you see, of course.) Your form will appear in the centre of the light sometimes. The Blue Light Can Be An Invitation To Do Spiritual Travel Contemplating inner lights can be a method of leaving the body. Here's a link to an article about seeing spots (not necessarily blue though). It can be as simple as low blood sugar. But it can also be more serio... I would go and consult an ophthamologist. If there is Agni-Tattva, you will see red-coloured lights. I just happened upon this after doing a meditation with a group and had a visual of the Blue Avians. The throat chakra gets blocked easily when we don’t speak our truth! It's too long of a story to post, but suffice it to say, these visions told a story, and one day, two hours after having one, it came true. That’s what happens when the parasympathetic nervous system is activated. We re meditating a lot more and doing positive affirmations and we say gratitude prayers and we always ask for guidance/signs( though we are not 100 % believers in this stuff, more like 50/50. To experience this is the goal of human life. Your entire body relaxed. It comes and goes and it is not anything directly. Helpful Signs (Symbols and Synesthesia) There’s another kind of nimitta (sign) — helpful nimittas … This experience is a sign that you may need to go within and heal a trauma that is hanging over you at this time. After a few minutes, once again notice your body, your whole body, seated here. With my eyes shut, I tend to see purple, surrounded by green, and the purple area grows until it encompasses and pushes out the green, and then theta like squiggles and points of light (usually blue-white) appear. Seeing Purple Color During Meditation. Before I only used to see points of light, blue and white. Amma then told a story about a man who began seeing a green light in his mind while meditating. During meditation a blue dot appears but if I try to concentrate on it it fades or moves, I also see blue swirls of mist and sparkles during meditation and sometimes I'm just surrounded by a blue nothingness. It’s not all that unusual for meditators to have an experience of light during their practice session. I had no clue what or why I was receiving this, and when I got home, they didn't happen. This flashing phenomenon tends to increase in a 20 to 30 minute time frame that can be alarming. Bright white or gold points to the crown chakra. When I meditate prayerfully, I see a beautiful magenta (vivid pink) fill the room (with my eyes open I see this), and lately is shot through with veins of blue. A time will come when you will see a dazzling light as a vision during meditation. Question: ... , Given the limited information you have provided, I would guess it is a good thing. The blue light you see is called the Blue Pearl. Without any extra notions about what it is or what it could be. The color for the third eye chakra is purple. I am seeing purple during meditation. When you see this color in meditation, it means…. Green or pink connects to the heart chakra. Master Choa Kok Sui, Om Mani Padme Hum: The Blue Pearl in the Golden Lotus, p. 55 “(…) the Blue Pearl [is] the subtlest covering of the individual soul…. Each color a person sees while meditating corresponds to a certain chakra or energy site in the body. I started seeing those lights about 2 years ago, and now that I'm writing about this I notice that it was around that time that I started meditating and doing an inverted Asana, which is a yoga position. The yoga texts urge us to see all this through meditation. Blue can make you feel clear and still and it can help you feel relaxed and calm breathe in and breathe out be still. That is what I would also recommend Visions of blue indicate that the throat chakra area is healing itself. In other traditions, certain colors are a sign of healing. In time, the blue light will form a tunnel. In many traditions, seeing different colors in meditation is a sign of your progress. When you think of it, the first images that come to mind might be a clear sky on a … It’s rhythm is slower. Almost reminds me of a firework. According to spiritual experiences by Swami Vivekananda, you will visualize different lights during your meditation journey. It happens many times that a meditator experiences flashes of light or lights in particular shapes. Sometimes you may think that it can cause stress to your eyes. However, that is not the case here. It symbolizes cold air and water and lays on the opposite end of the spectrum from red which represents heat and energy. The blue angel light ray represents power, protection, faith, courage, and strength. In Hindu it is known as the 'eye of knowledge' or the 'teacher inside'. There are several different types of lights: Prana sparkles: usually seen on a bright day, around living things such as trees, but also when there is prana-laden wind, or on or around a mountain top... but they can appear anywhere.They are tiny, swirling comets resembling sperm, that wink in and out of existence as you watch them. Stay here for five to seven minutes. When I looked away, the mist appeared, backlit by the fading sun. Earth is yellow, water is white, fire is red, air is green and space is blue-black. If there is Agni-Tattva, you will see red-coloured lights. You mention that seeing the blue ball of light makes you feel uplifted, calm, relaxed, and stable. Muktananda writes in *Kundalini the Secret of Life* "In the center of that effulgence lies a tiny and fascinatingly beautiful light, the Blue Pearl, and when your meditation deepens you begin to see it, sparkling and scintillating. During meditation, the colour of lights that you see varies according to the Tattva that flows through the nostrils. But last night something amazing happened! In her book, My Stroke of Insight, Jill Bolte Taylor records that when she was recovering from her stroke and was re-learning language (i.e., concepts, conceptualizations) she had to be taught to learn colors. Some over-the-counter supplements could cause blue spots.” This interesting side effect is harmless. Blue or indigo indicates the throat chakra. Blue Dot, Blue Sphere, Blue Disk, Blue Angel, Blue Flash, Blue Trails… the Blue Pearl [is] the subtlest covering of the individual soul…. If you see eyes in a meditation. I always had this as a set up during every morning and evening meditation (that was only 10 minutes, by the way). Meditation Starting a new session. Each chakra point represents a different focal point in the body. If you see white light in meditation this can mean that a new, powerful and spiritual energy has entered your aura. When I turned on the lights I saw nothing, I switched the lights off and they were back. Symbols Enhance Meditation. I would suggest that you continue to meditate on it and enjoy these feelings. same recommendations If you see white light in meditation this can mean that a new, powerful and spiritual energy has entered your aura. After a few seconds, it was gone. And then gently redirect your attention right back to the breathing. Sometimes, you will notice highly vibratory, rotating particles in the light. My vision is not deteriorating, but I'm trying to link it up to something in my diet (or lack of). Orange is your invite to look at the sacral chakra. Then i had a thought like " o yeah im meditating" then boom I notice this super bright circle that looks like a blue sun. HO Oponopono Amazing HO Oponopono Meditation tonight at Casa Alhambra. Blue or indigo indicates the throat chakra. Your third eye is a common term used to describe your inner knowing and wisdom that you can access through symbolism, vision, and dreams. Seeing Lights. nd Light Flashes. When I open my eyes, everything is blue. When there is a problem with one of our chakras, our body and mind will find a way to tell us. Is this common when you're meditating? After that you see a countdown timer indicating how much time is left. The Blue Flame is something I was shown in a very deep meditation and I pondered on it for a while wondering what on earth it was. So the more you concentrate, the more you’re likely to see a white light during meditation. So, i only just started meditating. Because of this you’re losing body heat, and so afterward you feel cold. When we see this tiny blue light in meditation, we should understand that we are seeing the form of the inner Self. Meditation Experiences. Seeing green tint (chartruese color) in morning upon awakening. But what is more important is that I’ve been seeing a blue circle that went from a cerulean blue to a royal blue. There are two kinds of Energy Orbs: Spirit Orbs and Energy Orbs emitted from a person here on Earth's own Chakras. Passing into this tunnel, you will consciously enter the light of the astral world. Seeing the Lord in All Creatures . see an optometrist and neurologist if necessary. Color flashes can be a sign of tumor Shortly after is disappeared because I startled myself. The Blue Pearl ~ Symmetrical Photograph #2B. This chakra allows us to give and receive love. When we see this tiny blue light in meditation, we should understand that we are seeing the form of the inner Self. I repeated this a couple of times with no difference. Orange is your invite to look at the sacral chakra. This meditation white light experience might be frightening at first, but you’ll get used to it after a while. White light has the highest spiritual, etheric, and non-physical qualities, and can take you to higher dimensions. After a month of consistent meditation, I have began seeing purple and blue and for some reason visualize these colors “above me” from my head onward. Most often, your guardian angel will appear visibly in the form of light, since angels … To these individuals, this is a sign that new knowledge, truths, hope, and … You … After heavy, uncontrolled hunting by European settlers and American hunters, the turkey almost vanished to near extinction by the early 1900’s. Written By Liz Oakes. If Akasa-Tattva flows, you will have blue-coloured lights. - Swami Muktananda . "This radiant and scintillating and sublime Blue Color can be seen directly in meditation. If we want to see such a great and wonderful thing, our way of life and our habits must be the purest and the most holy. The explanation often given relates to sensory deprivation i.e. Green or pink connects to the heart chakra. If you’re seeing an eyeball each time you meditate, it could mean that you have a clairvoyant gift. At night I occasionly see the mist floating above me, and I always see … In many traditions, seeing different colors in meditation is a sign of your progress. Blue calls to mind feelings of calmness or serenity. To experience this is the goal of human life. To experience this is the goal of human life. The throat chakra is located in the throat and the correlating color is blue. Seeing things as they are. These types of hallucinations generally only occur when one's eyes are closed or when one is in a darkened room. I was told this has to do with the third eye. White light has the highest spiritual, etheric, and non-physical qualities, and can take you to higher dimensions. Purple or violet points to the third eye chakra. Blue Chakra – Vishuddi. When we see this tiny blue light in meditation, we should understand that we are seeing the form of the inner Self. I’ve been meditating for more years than I’d care to mention at this point, and I’m aware of the huge positive impact it’s had on my life.

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