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The textbook prose is well-written and a pleasure to read. The web version does a better job on those, but many students prefer the pdf version or printed from the pdf. Images in the pdf are low quality, and some are barely readable. I got this book on 2014/06/17 and I've read into Chapter 3. read more. never stop learning and this book is good for increasing the knowledge. If you've enjoyed Don's previous books as much as I have, you're guaranteed like this one. The book was a bit of a dense read at times and I was running out of steam by the end, but many of the gems that I picked up along the way made the effort more than worth it. This book challenges an awful lot of fashionable ideas on improving product development processes. The dialogue throughout is the importance of "struggle" which has been a theme from the beginning of business and product development. In my perspective, all technical terminology are well explained. .vas-hidecomponent{display:none}.vas-checkbox-column.a-box{border:0}.vas-checkbox-container .vas-checkbox{margin-left:15px;top:47%;display:block!important}.vas-preferences-column{border-left:1px solid #ddd}.vas-preferences-container{border:0;padding:0 15px}.vas-checkbox-container-alert-on{border-color:red}#vas-preferences-button .a-button-text{font-size:16px}#vas-ppd-mobile-twister-service-options .vas-ppd-mobile-service-heading,#vas-ppd-mobile-twister-service-options .vas-ppd-mobile-service-heading span,.vas-font-weight-normal{font-weight:400!important}#vas-ppd-fake-twister-mobile .a-button-stack .vas-ppd-twister-button{margin-bottom:9px}#vas-ppd-fake-twister-mobile .a-button-inner{width:100%}#vas-ppd-fake-twister-mobile .vas-ppd-nocopypaste{-o-user-select:none;-ms-user-select:none;-moz-user-select:none;-webkit-user-select:none;user-select:none}#vas-ppd-mobile-twister-service-options 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